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Author Topic: Okko - Era of the Asagiri  (Read 2058 times) Average Rating: 0
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Burton Delvers
Mild Psychosis

Karma: 13
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Posts: 115

« on: 16 October 2008, 21:27:22 »

A game with simple mechanics, but which allows reasonable depth of tactical play. A standard game lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

You take control over a group of Evil Creatures or Demon Hunters and do battle in the mythical Empire of Pajan - a rough equivalent to fantastical medieval Japan (ohh yes - it's an anagram)..

The game components: Character cards, Item cards, indicator tokens, die-cut characters, stands for the characters,game specific dice, 6 map segments, a rule book and a book of adventures. Everything is of high quality - the artwork and layout is great, with extracts from "Okko" comics to illustrate the rules for example. Everything about the product is just well finished off  physically - even small details like the die-cut characters are so well cut out that they just pop out from the carrier frame, and the game's box feels well made and like it will last  a long time. Maybe it is just me but these small details improve the whole tactile experience of the game.

Game play is easy to pick up and it is best to start with a basic game and work through the scenarios - they are great fun - I anticipate that there will be future releases of new scenarios either over the web or in an expansion pack (perhaps with additional characters and cards).

There are lots of small limitations to remember, a dose of luck in terms of rolling dice which enable certain character or attribute specific powers. Each character has it's own nuances - I have yet to play sufficient games to know them all, but there is a good variety which will ensure the longevity of this game.

Overall a nice, simple-to-learn, quick game, playable in a short space of time.

I played it in the shop and then bought it the next time it was in. Worth getting if you need a simple 2 player game to kill time with.
« Last Edit: 16 October 2008, 21:55:02 by zarniwoop » Logged
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