I'm still stuck in my sub and its sinking
Well, its been a fun eventful day.
A little cozy at the start, but even that goes to show how great a day it was.
Many Thanks to all those who attended, played games and had an enjoyable time.
Big thumbs up
to the event organisers ( inc me
but only in a small part ), excellent job.
I'm please Carl solved the ring problem and also found the forum, welcome and many happy postings.
I played a few games.
Bloody something (I've forgotten its name)
Pandemic (we lost and I think the BBC made Survivors from the outcome
Tortuga (I played Arnu and Spirit Phil and shockly won, I need to get myself a copy now it rocks
Arkham Horror with Kingsport (We won
, review will appear under the Arkham section of the board later)
Red November (Which according to Evil Ginger, we are still playing
, we won too)
I like this game and its very playable, please checkout the review when one appears on this board for it.
Once again
and hope to see everyone again for Raiders VI ( Return of the ? )