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Author Topic: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Radio Show Live  (Read 2935 times)
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Deep One

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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 25 June 2012, 01:34:12 »

So me, Oskar & PM went to see - Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Radio Show Live

As you might guess I had been looking forward to this for some time, so decided that it would be appropriate to go suitably attired:

Before you ask, I did walk back from the show through Nottingham streets to the car still dressed like that Smiley

The show itself was brilliant, they managed to cram all of the old & new radio stories into the most entertaining and hilarious 2 hours. It was like bing a live audience to a new radio production, with the SFX guys on stage next to the actors doing what they do best but at the same time they were just as entertaining as everyone else.

In fact one of the surrealist & funny moments was the 2 SFX guys doing the Bowl of Petunias & Whale sequence, but you'll have to go see it to appreciate it Smiley

The other thing that made this a uniquely fun experience was all the gaffs, missed lines and combacks from other cast members etc. The best of which was the guest Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy narrator who had a full set of misreads/start-overs and at one point missing a queue but it all added to the atmosphere making for the best night of live entertainment I have ever had.

If you get a chance to go see this pleased go you will not be disappointed and you really don't need to be a fanboy to appreciate the humour as Douglas Adams was a keen observer of life and his witty comments on the human condition through his writing is superb.

Oh my god, Marvin the paranoid android is brilliant throughout this production, and the way they bring him to life on stage is just a stroke of genius.

Ok, so I may be a little biased as I am one of the aforementioned fanboys but that does not take away how good this show is and hats off to everyone involved for producing a fantastic show that will live in my memory forever.

Now, where's my cup of tea.......

« Last Edit: 25 June 2012, 19:45:47 by Zarniwoop » Logged


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« Reply #1 on: 03 July 2012, 10:50:04 »

Hear, hear! Saw the show in Bromley on the 30th - Excellent! Did have a towel but was wearing my Campaign for Real Time t-shirt.

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