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Author Topic: TOMB  (Read 2409 times) Average Rating: 4
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Burton Delvers
Mild Psychosis

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« on: 03 October 2008, 17:47:02 »

A great game!

Firstly you get a lot of physical components within the box, with the usual array of different card decks (5 decks representing Spells, Prayers, Items, Tactics and everything that goes into the crypts within the Tomb. You then get a very solid and durable double sized board with two game maps on, a separate map for the Tavern (where you recruit adventurers), a clever set of Green Blue and Red dice which have increasing chances of success and which are core to the mechanic of the game. You also get a large number of character cards and an A0 poster with them all on, plus a bag to draw random characters from.

In summary the components are plentiful, made well and of heavy cardstock, and so far there do not appear to be any issues with it.

The game is great fun, with multiple crypts within the Tomb being populated by Traps, Monsters and Treasure. Some you will probably be familiar with if you have played D&D, others are new. Everything has a different edge to it and the challenges faced are by no means easy. A big difference from an RPG is that players really would be advised not to get too attached to characters - the mortality rate is very high, and TPK (total party kills) are also quite common. The game is all about earning XP (experience points) and this is where the competitive, backstabbing and malicious nature of the game comes in - and adds to the fun.

There is no GM or DM in this game. Each Crypt calls up one of the other players to be the Crypt Master for that encounter - and as you are competing against one another - who is supposed to make the encounter as hard as possible for the raiding player. I've played it with 3 and with 5 and it has been a blast both times. I will update this once further plays have been undertaken.
« Last Edit: 03 October 2008, 18:53:13 by zarniwoop » Logged
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