I think that this is going to be necessary now there are a lot more characters in the game, So I will post a small amount of detail on each here as a reference.
Our Hero'sPC Laura Henderson
PC Bob Beverbrook
Francis Stanway (Field agent of the Bureau of coordination of intergeneration)
Cathak Garel Anarith
The Modern age Dancer aka Dancer at the turning of, the age, or ages (Viceroy of creation)
Mr Smith ( Dancers now apparently deceased opponent, though he apparently reincarnates)
Evocative thought (Fran Stanways friend & next door neighbour in heaven)
Ambrose or Emrys White ( the most powerful wizard of his age)
Owen Blair (wizard & colleague of Ambrose)
Susan ( an apprentice wizard who notices things)
Sarah Baumgartner ( An American College student)
Dave Anson ( An American College student)
The Dawn Age Allies Evocative thought (small god of Jedrts)
Mist ( goddess of dew in the glittering desert)
George ( a pet Jedrt)
Gelmuxi Yofahu ( Fire aspect & officer of the realms 47th Legion & commander of the hunting party's small escort)
Miyoxi Tiholu ( A Realm administrator currently on holiday & a member of the hunting party)
Ledaal Kayoba (A high born member of the hunting party)
Mennemon Jaxut (The de facto Leader of the hunting party now missing believed deceased during the riots in Ifonaris)
Darish Nemin ( Gelmuxi Yofahu's wise sergeant)
Seven ( a crippled soldier from the escort)
Sesus Erile ( Miyoxi Tiholu's unexalted wife)
Vartican (a mercenary soldier in Ruethna)
Valan (the Bear a huge mercenary soldier & warband leader in Ruethna )
Sessus Antanabe ( senior officer of the 47th legion)
Pig (a thief & escaped slave)
Alruiz ( Dresshian horde mercenary horseman from Ruethna)
Susain (Dresshian horde mercenary horseman from Ruethna)
Alixdar Etreniankor ( a mercenary captain who is afflicted with prescient dreams)
Korush ( a god blooded agent of Lookshy now Alixdar's lieutenant )
House LedaalLedaal Wellevasa ( Ledaal Kayoba's non exalted wife)
Ledaal Kayallis (Ledaal Kayoba's infant son reported to have died recently)
Grepi Moraka (Ledaal Wellevasa youger but exalted brother who she expects Ledaal Kayoba's to find a husband for)
House Nellens Nellens Rache (Miyoxi Tiholu Secretary & also a member of the hunting party Update now his former Secretary & carnying a major grudge against Bob & Fran )
Nellens Bajal (Nellens Rache's father & an exalt if not an obvious one)
Nellens Simot (Nellens Rache's older brother a spice merchant)
Nellens Hakarr (Nellens Raches other older half brother a merchant captain)
Nellens Betha ( Nellens Rache's mother now deceased)
House HendersonLaura Henderson see our hero's above
Henderson Ifoe (her adopted daughter formerly Pig see above)
Henderson Kayoba ( a man ruining away from a death and a very unhappy Marriage see Ledaal Kayoba & the Ledaal house above)
Enemies Silver Lover of the Lightning (Barbarian aspiring warlord UPDATE now deceased & an angry ghost)
Ahlat ( southern god of Cattle & war)
Mask of Winter Conquer of the dominion of Thorns
Akled one of the Drums of the Leopard Seat king of the largest of the seven confederations of the Totikari pastoralists slain by Laura at the Battle of Ifonaris
Beloved of the Bull god ( Ishadhi, wounded By Anarith and others at the battle of Ifonaris but rescued by his bodyguard, wives and spirited out of the town during the seige)
Hekkan the butcher ( captain of King Akled's bodyguard & nearly his avenger as he struck down both Fran and Laura)
Bull of the north (a Solar anathema who was responsible for raising the tribes of the north east against the Realm & destroying between five and seven of the Tepet house legions and killing much of the brightest and best of that house)
First and Forsaken Lion (a Deathlord)
Walks shrouded in mists and shadows ( a Deathlord)
Others Huntsman Thulll ( the chief of the hunt servants) (Missing presumed dead)
Demanis iKi (native guide) (Missing )
Alexander Grey ( some one else form the modern world who apparently arrived in creation about fifty years ago but did so in the underworld which drove him insane, he died shortly after being rescued by a party from Lookshy and was by that time raving mad)
Denal Kyre ( an under steward with a wealthy merchant family Kirighast who apparently exalted as a Solar anathema but was slain on the same night by person or persons unknowen)
To Be continued........