This is another variant of the Carcassonne game.
It is very similar to Hunters and Gathers in the scoring options, but has a new twist with the scoring track providing the starting point and Surveyors adding a new dynamic to the game.
Players lay tiles in the normal way following the usual placement rules for carcassone games, the twist is the surveyors. Once a player has scored his his tile where he gets a bonus score for being in the same column as a surveyor, he has to move the eastern most surveyor to the next column. If there is any standing meeples in the column he moved from or behind him they are handed back to the players who own them. This makes it a much different tactic when laying tiles as you have to be careful you don't set up a finish behind the surveyor that someone else completes. I really enjoyed this variant as I think it makes changes to the normal dynamic of the games making it more interesting to play.
I would recommend this one to fans of Carcossone and to those that have never played, though having played another version of the game helps to get stuck into this one easier.