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Trillian? She`s just a kid. Cute, yeah, but tempremental. You know how it is with women. - Zaphod Beeblebrox
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Author Topic: Arkham Horror Investigator Cards  (Read 7428 times)
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« on: 24 July 2008, 01:21:07 »

These are the Investigator cards from all 3 sets

Name:   Joe Diamond - The Private Eye
Set:   Base Set Base Set
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Any Phase:   Joe rolls one extra bonus die when he spends a Clue token to add to a roll.
Home:   Police Station
Fixed Possessions:   $8, 3 Clue Tokens, 1 Common Item (.45 Automatic)
Random Possesions:   2 Common Items, 1 Skill.
Focus:   3
Speed:   3 - 6
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   2 - 5
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   3 - 0
(The skills show lowest and highest values only)

Name:   Amanda Sharpe - The Student
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Any Phase:   Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
Home:   Bank Of Arkham
Fixed Possessions:   $1, 1 Clue Token
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 1 Spell, 2 Skills
Focus:   3
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Bob Jenkins - The Salesman
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Any Phase:   Whenever he draws one or more cards from the Common Item deck, he draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
Home:   General Store
Fixed Possessions:   $9
Random Possesions:    2 Common Items, 2 Unique Items, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   2 - 5
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   6 - 3
Lore:   0 - 1
Luck:   4 - 1

Name: Mandy Thompson - The Researcher
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Any Phase:   Once per turn, Mandy can activate this ability after any investigator (including herself) makes a skill check.  That investigator then re-rolls all of the dice rolled for that check that did not result in successes.
Home:   Library
Fixed Possessions:   £6, 4 Clue Tokens
Random Possesions:   2 Common Items, 1 Unique Items, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   5 - 2
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   3 - 0

Name:   Dexter Drake - The Magician
Set:   Base Set   
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Any Phase:   Whenever "The Great" Drake draws one or more cards from the Spell deck, he draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
Home:   Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Fixed Possessions:   $5, 1 Spell (Shrivelling)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   2 - 5
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   2 - 5
Luck:   3 - 0

Name:   Darrell Simmons - the Photographer
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Town Encounter:   When drawing location encounters in Arkham, Darrell draws 2 cards and may choose whichever one of the two he wants.  This ability does not work when drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds.
Home:   Newspaper
Fixed Possessions:   $4, 1 Clue Token, 1 Special (Retainer)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 2 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   2 - 5
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   2 - 5
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Vincent Lee - The Doctor
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Upkeep:   Dr Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location.  He cannot raise a character's stamina higher than the character's maximum Stamina
Home:   St Mary's Hospital
Fixed Possessions:   $9, 1 Clue Token
Random Possesions:   2 Common Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   0 - 3
Sneak:   5 - 2
Fight:   0 - 3   
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   2 - 5
Luck:   4 - 1

Name: Carolyn Fern - The Psychologist
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   6
Stamina:   4
Upkeep:   Dr Fern may restore 1 Sanity to herself or another character in her location.  She cannot raise a character's Sanity higher than the character's maximum Sanity
Home:   Arkham Asylum
Fixed Possessions:   $7, 1 Clue Token
Random Possesions:   2 Common Item, 2 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   0 - 3
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   2 - 5
Luck:   5 - 2

Name:   Harvey Walters - The Professor
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   7
Stamina:   3
Any Phase:   Harvey reduces all Sanity losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0
Home:   Administration Building
Fixed Possessions:   $5, 1 Clue Token
Random Possesions:   2 Unique Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   0 - 3
Sneak:   5 - 2
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   3 - 6
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Gloria Goldberg - The Author
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   6
Stamina:   4
Other World Encounters:   When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws 2 cards that match the colour of one of the Other Worlds encounter symbolds, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants.  This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
Home:   Velma's Diner
Fixed Possessions:   $7, 2 Clue Tokens
Random Possesions:   2 Common Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   5 - 2

Name:   Sister Mary - The Nun
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   7
Stamina:   3
Any Phase:   Sister Mary is never 'Lost in Time and Space'. Instead, if her Sanity is 0, she returns to Arkham Asylum.  If her Stamina is 0, she returns to St Mary's Hospital.  If neither her Sanity not her Stamina are 0, she returns to South Church.
Home:   South Church
Fixed Possessions:   $0, 1 Common Item (Cross), 1 Unique Item (Holy Water)
Random Possesions:   2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   6 - 3

Name:   Michael McGlen - The Gangster
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   3
Stamina:   7
Any Phase:   Michael reduces all Stamina losses he suffers by 1, to a minumum of 0
Home:   Ma's Boarding House
Fixed Possessions:   $8, 2 Common Items (Dynamite, Tommy Gun)
Random Possesions:   1 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   2 - 5
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   3 - 6
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   3 - 0

Name:   Monterey Jack - The Archaeologist
Set:   Base Set   
Sanity:   3
Stamina:   7
Any Phase:   Whenever Monterey draws one or more cards from the Unique Item deck, he draws one extra card and then discards one o f the cards
Home:   Curiositie Shoppe
Fixed Possessions:   $7, 1 Clue Token, 2 Common Items (Bull Whip, .38 Revolver)
Random Possesions:   2 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   2 - 5
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   5 - 2

Name:   'Ashcan Pete' - The Drifter
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
When Peter draws from the Common Item, Unique Item, Spell deck, he may draw from either the top or the bottom of that deck, his choice. Pete may look at the bottom card of those decks at any time.
Home:   River Docks
Fixed Possessions:   $1, 3 Clue Tokens, 1 Ally (Duke)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   0 - 3
Sneak:   6 - 3
Fight:   2 - 5
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   3 - 0

Name:   Kate Winthrop - The Scientist
Set:   Base Set
Sanity:   6
Stamina:   4
Any Phase:   Gates and monsters cannot appear in Kate's location due to her flux stabilizer.  Monsters and gates do not disappear if she enters their lcoation, however, and monsters can move into her location as usual.
Home:   Science Building
Fixed Possessions:   $7, 2 Clue Tokens
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   5 - 2
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   2 - 5
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Rita Young - Athlete
Set:   Dunwich Horror   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Any Phase:   Whenever Rita draws one or more injury or Madness cards, she draws one extra card and then discards one of them, keeping the other.  In addition, if Rita gains a duplicate of and Injury or Madness card she already has, the second card has no effect.
Home:   Police Station
Fixed Possessions:   $4, 2 Clue Tokens, 1 Special (Retainer)
Random Possesions:   2 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   3 - 6
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   2 - 5
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   3 - 0

Name:   Marie Lambeau - Entertainer
Set:   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   6
Stamina:   4
Upkeep:   Once per game, at the start of your turn, remove 1 doom token from the Ancient One's doom track.
Any Phase: Marie has a third hand usable only for casting spells (Third Eye)
Home:   Ma's Boarding House
Fixed Possessions:   $4, 2 Clue Tokens, 1 Unique Item (Enchanted Knife), 1 Spell (Voice of Ra)
Random Possesions:   2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Leo Anderson - Expedition Leader
Set:   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Any Phase:   Once per turn, Leo may prevent 1 point of Stamina or Sanity loss for any investigator
Home:   River Docks
Fixed Possessions:   $5, 2 Clue Tokens
Random Possesions:   1 Ally, 2 Common Item,1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Wilson Richards - Handyman
Set:   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Upkeep:   Wilson's focus is unlimited
Arkham Encounter:   Wilson may gain $1 instead of having an encounter at any location (but not an Other World ot street area)
Home:   Train Station
Fixed Possessions:   $4, 3 Common Items (Motorcycle, Shotgun, Whiskey)
Random Possesions:   2 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   oo
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   5 - 2
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Jim Culver - Musician
Set:   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   6
Stamina:   4
Any Phase:   Jim may spend 1 Clue token to automatically pass a Combat check against an Undead monster.
Any Phase:   Other Worlds are considered to hav a green encounter symbol for you in addition to their normal encounter symbols.
Home:   Velmas Dinner
Fixed Possessions:   $3, 3 Clue Tokens, 1 Unique Item (Golden Trumpet)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   5 - 2

Name:   Jacqueline Fine - Psychic
Set:   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   7   
Stamina:   3
Mythos:   One per turn, when a mythos cacrd other than 'The Story Continues' is drawn, Jacqueline may spend 2 Clue tokens to discard that mythos card without effect and draw another one instead.  The second mythos card then takes effect.
Home:   Curiositie Shoppe
Fixed Possessions:   $7, 2 Clue Tokens, 1 Unique Item (Enchanted Jewelry)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   2 - 5
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Diana Stanley - Redemmed Cultist
Set:   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Any Phase:   You cannot lose your Silver Lodge Membership
Any Phase:   Gain 1 Stanity or 1 Stamina each time a doom token is added to the Ancient One's doom track.  In addition, gain 1 Clue token each time the terror level increases.
Home:   General Store
Fixed Possessions:   $4, 2 Clue Tokens, 1 Special (Silver Twilight Lodge Membership)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:    0 - 3
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   3 - 6
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Mark Harrigan - Soldier
Set:   Dunwich Horror
Sanity:   3
Stamina:   7
Any Phase:   You cannot be arrested or delayed.
Home:   South Church
Fixed Possessions:   $4, 3 Clue Tokens, 2 Common Items (Flamethrower, Molotov Cocktail)
Random Possesions:   1 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   5 - 2
Fight:   3 - 6
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Rex Murphy - Reporter
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Any Phase:   When Rex gains one or more Clue Tokens, he gains one extra Clue token
Rex Never checks to discard Curses during his upkeep.  He may only discard a Curse by being Blessed.
Home:   Newspaper
Fixed Possessions:   $3, 3 Clue Tokens
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 2 Unique Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   5 - 2
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   2 - 5
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Charlie Kane - Politician
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Any Phase:   Charlie may gain Allies that have been returned to the box.
Any Phase:   Charlie may pay 2 Clue tokens to prevent the terror level from increasing by 1.  He may do this as often as he likes.
Home:   Administration Building
Fixed Possessions:   $9
Random Possesions:   2 Common Item, 1 Skill, 1 Ally
Focus:   2
Speed:   0 - 3
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   2 - 5
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Lily Chen - Martial Artist
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   4 - 7
Stamina:   7 - 4
When spending Focus, Lily may adjust her maximum Sanity and Stamina as though they were skills.
Home:   Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Fixed Possessions:   $4, 2 Clue Tokens, 1 Skill (Martial Arts)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Spells
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   2 - 5
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Wendy Adams - Urchin
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   4
Stamina   4:
Any Phase:   Wendy automatically passes any Evade checks made in a street area.
Any Phase:   Wendy cannot be arrested or Cursed while she has an Elder Sign.
Wendy cannot gain a Bank Loan.
Home:   Bank Of Arkham
Fixed Possessions:   $3, 3 Clue Tokens, 1 Unique Item (Elder Sign)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   3
Speed:   2 - 5
Sneak:   6 - 3
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   3 - 0
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   5 - 2

Name:   Daisy Walker - Librarian
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Any Phase:   Daisy never loses Sanity from reading a Tome.
Any Phase:   Daisy's Sanity cost to cast spells is always reduced by 1.
Home:   Library
Fixed Possessions:   $5, 1 Clue Token, 1 Unique Item (Livre d'Ivon)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 1 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   0 - 3
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   2 - 5
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Lola Hayes - Actress
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   6
Stamina:   4
Upkeep:   Once per turn, Lola may discard one of her skill cards to draw a new skill from either the top or the bottom of the Skill deck.  Lola may look at the bottom card of the Skill deck at any time.
Home:   Arkham Asylum
Fixed Possessions:   $6, 2 Clue Tokens, 1 Common Item (.18 Derringer)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 1 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   2 - 5
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Luke Robinson - Dreamer
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   7
Stamina:   3
Any Phase:   Luke gains 1 Clue Token each time he enters an Other World area or is 'lost in time and space'
Any Phase:   Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.
Home:   The Dreamlands
Fixed Possessions:   $6, 1 Clue Token, 1 Unique Item (Gate Box)
Random Possesions:   1 Unique Item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   0 - 3
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   6 - 3
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   Tony Morgan - Bounty Hunter
Set:   Kingsport Horror
Sanity:   3
Stamina:   7
Any Phase:   Tony's monster trophies are worth one extra toughness each when spent.
Upkeep:   One per turn, while in a street area, Tony may spend one monster trophy to gain money equal to that monsters's toughness
Home:   St Mary's Hopsital
Fixed Possessions:   $6, 3 Clue Tokens, 1 Common Item (Handcuffs)
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   5 - 2
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   6 - 3

Name:   Ursula Downs – The Explorer
Set:   Innsmouth
Sanity:   5
Stamina:   5
Quick Witted:   Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer:   Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
Home:   Players Choice*
Fixed Possessions:   $1, 4 Clue Tokens
Random Possesions:   2 Common Item, 2 Unique Item, 1 Skill
Focus:   2
Speed:   2 - 5
Sneak:   3 - 0
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   0 - 3
Luck:   5 - 2

Name:   Roland Banks – The Fed
Set:   Innsmouth
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Upkeep: If Roland has fewer than 2 clue tokens, he gains 1 Clue Token
Upkeep: If Roland has fewer than $2, he gains $1
Home:   Arkham Asylum
Fixed Possessions:   $3, 2 Clue Tokens
Random Possesions:   1 Common Item, 1 Unique Item, 1 Ally, 1 Skill
Focus:   3
Speed:   1 - 4
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   4 - 1
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Name:   William Yorick - Gravedigger
Set:   Innsmouth
Sanity:   4
Stamina:   6
Any Phase: William may spend his monster trophies as though they were Clue tokens, on a 1-for-1 basis
Any Phase:  Each time William spends a monster trophy, he may decide to return it to the box instead of placing it back in the monster cup.
Home:   South Church
Fixed Possessions:   $4
Random Possesions:   2 Common Item, 2 Unique Item, 3 Monster Trophies, 1 Skill
Focus:   1
Speed:   0 - 3
Sneak:   4 - 1
Fight:   1 - 4
Will:   6 - 3
Lore:   1 - 4
Luck:   4 - 1

Probably the longest post ever on the Burger Bar  Grin
« Last Edit: 14 September 2009, 10:14:05 by CrazyFrog » Logged

Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
"You know you want a trip down to the asylum"
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