Deathwatch Custom Chapters Table of ContentFurther to our little session this wednesday of creating some custom chapters for eventual Deathwatch use, I've whipped up a couple of basic colourscheme concepts.
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Crimson Eagles, Star Wolves and Thunder Fists respectively.
Hopefully sometime this weekend, Andy may be able to post some further details on them, so they are here for the record, but the above at least gives a breif idea from memory.
Fan-Favourites on the day were the Swashbuckling, robo-horse-riding Space Hawks (with their significant tank support) and the slightly devolved, flesh eating, sunglasses wearing rulers of their urban feral world; the renegade Star Wolves. Hopefully the above does them justice.
[edit] Second Founding chapters added.
Favourite bits on the day were the Crab-Riding Subterainian hive dwelling Thunderfists and their figure of Legend "Lucky Seben" (of the Dark Angels 7th Company, 7th Squad) who definately wore his moustache like Tom Seleck and the Silver Owls who are
Good Doctors and
Have a Plan.