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Author Topic: Monastery  (Read 2048 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 29 June 2008, 18:22:13 »

This is a really nice game, the pieces are well made and unique. This is a tile laying game with a definite twist, you play monks competing to build and complete a word of the lords prayer. This plays really well and is quite easy to pick up but requires a lot of thinking and planning in order to achieve your goal. By building pieces you gain points to spend on letters for your word or to buy additional monks to help you achieve your goals.

Each letter you complete gains you 3 points, players can buy letters for other people and those letters will score zero. The game plays over two days and the first player, which changes round during the course of the game, has a dial which shows what part of the day you are on and these have different effects on the turn. The tiles are split into grey, brown, neutral or grey/brown you can not place dissimilar colours together and on certain rounds just having a monk on the square scores points. In order to build a tile there are a number of numbered circles on the tile which all need to be covered by monks before it is built. Once it is completed you score the points under your monk to spend on letters or extra monks. The letters and monks are arranged on a grid with the costs getting more expensive as you get further right.

I really liked my first game of this and will look forward to playing this again soon.

Well worth a look.


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