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Author Topic: Gamma Con 2012  (Read 2708 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 10 April 2012, 13:02:57 »

Gamma Con is a new one-day convention that started this year in Lichfield. The venue was excellent and the space was pretty good.

There was a good turnout considering this was the first event and everyone looked to be having a really good time which is what we all want.
The organisers did a very good job with running this. The Spirit Games Stall was right by the entrance whilst very nice, I did advise them that maybe for future events they should place their ticket desk there, as they were taking it in turns to stand in the entrance to the hall to take tickets and it was a COLD day so they were freezing ( Ill )

Thanks to everyone who turned up to play and helped make the day fun, also big thanks to Jonathan & co for organising the day and I am looking forward to the next event.

I managed to demo some games of Kingdom Builder which is an excellent game that I have been playing a lot. It's quick, easy to teach and each game is different as there is a lot of variability in the setup and scoring to help keep it fresh.

Phil then showed me Conflicting Kingdoms:
Conflicting Kingdoms is a trading card game, which uses the cards to build the board as you play. Lay down locations to build the arena and use the different locations to play abilities. Destroy opponents with your magic and avoid attacks with your summoned minions. Collect the cards, build the ultimate deck and defeat all those who oppose you in the world of Conflicting Kingdoms.

Speed and agility is key to intimidate your enemy with this deviant goblin. Dashing from one location to the next and dodging their attacks will buy you time. With the aid of your imaginary friend Gob, you will defeat your opponent with a plethora of magical attacks.

I am not a huge Trading Card fan but I did find this game interesting and I would be willing to try this again sometime.

A slideshow of photos taken on the day are below or can be seen on My Google+ GammaCon Album


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