There is a LOT to do in this game the idea is to build up your farm by adding rooms to your farm house, ploughing crops, managing livestock, upgrading your buildings.. etc etc etc.
The game is played over 14 rounds, each round you get as many actions as you have people ( you get more people by adding rooms and using a specific action in the game). At the start of the game there are certain actions you can take by placing one of you people on them, you also have cards in your hand which consist of occupations and advancements. You need to take a specific action in order to place these and they usually cost a certain amout of resources which are collected by taking other actions.
As each round progresses you get more actions you can take, for the first half of the game, after 3 rounds, you need to be able to feed your people (2 food each person) so you need to have this ready, if not you get a penalty which reduces your final score. Later in the game you only have 2 roounds before this happens making your choice of actions very important.
There is a lot to do and think about in this game.
I Liked the game, but on first play I did find it fairly complicated in as much as there was rather too much to think about and kept changing strategy through the game as people used the action card I needed.
I think I would possibly like it better 2nd time around knowing a bit more about what each card does and knowing where I went wrong the first time. It is a long game to play especially with the 5 people we had playing it so this is going to be one of those games you will devote a full evening to playing. Never the less it was enjoyable.
p.s I did play the german version of this so maybe this proper english translation will play faster as you will not have to keep asking whaty the special cards mean