This is a really "fun" game involving a very unique set of cards that are transparent with text and other items printed on them. The main aim is to make you family members as miserable as possible and then kill them off.
There are 3 kinds of cards:
Modifiers that either make a person more miserable (negative score) or make a person happier (positive score) these are either played on your own or other players families.
Events that have an effect on gamelplay, sometimes even bringing the dead back to life or preventing someone dying
Death These cards are used to kill of your characters.
Each modifier is stacked on top of your character and the current status is read by looking at the stack. As the cards are transparent some bits become covered over and others added which is a fantastic mechanic and very unique.
Some of the modifiers whilst having a negative score sometimes have additional features that can effect you like losing a turn or reducing your hand size.
Once someone has killed of all their family members the game ends and the person wih the mose negative score wins.