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  • 7pm: Burton Sci-Fi Game: 23 August 2007

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Author Topic: Burton Sci-Fi Game  (Read 2260 times)
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 12 August 2007, 15:09:55 »

Thursday, August 23, 2007, 7:00 PM

Coopers Tavern
Cross Street

Well, hello.

Seems like an age since we have had a Sci-Fi game of any description - last attempt (Andie's X-Men game fell apart at the last moment for all sorts of legitimate reasons).

Thought I'd throw a date on the table and see if people can make the date. No fixed idea of what game or who'd GM it as yet. Several people have something either prepared or in preparation. From memory this is who wanted to do things:

1) Andie - X-Men was to have been run the other week (so we know it's ready!)
2) Andie - was working up a Babylon 5 adventure
3) Bruce - was working on a Serentiy scenario I think
4) Paul - working on some Deadlands scenarios
5) Jim - have a follow on Serenity adventure ready

I'm sure other people have mentioned things as well - lets sees what's in the offing for this suggested date and reach a consensus in time to let whoever would GM to prepare.


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« Last Edit: 20 August 2007, 21:18:34 by zarniwoop » Logged


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