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I don`t know, apathetic bloody planet, I`ve no sympathy at all. - Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz
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Author Topic: Santiago de Cuba  (Read 2166 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 28 March 2012, 14:53:08 »

This is a like a little version of Cuba that plays in about an hour. The aim is to collect Victory points achieved by loading goods on ships (the demand determined by rolling dice) and/or by using the abilities on various buildings.

Each turn the players can move a car along a track to the next Charactor on the board or pay money to skip ahead 1 or 2. Each character provides a reward of some sort and allows the player to place a meeple one of a set of buildings marked with a coloured flower. These buildings, and the characters are laid out randomly at the start of the game. Each building allows the player the option of taking its action, of which there are many. All these help you on your way to victory. One of the Characters allows you to place one (of 3) control markers you have on a building, these mean you get a reward when another player uses that building. Only one player can occupy a building at any time. The value for goods loaded onto the boats can be changed by various means, and normally the boat can only be loaded by the car being moved to the dock, though there is a means to load a good early.

This continues until the 7th ship has sailed then scores are totalled. This is a fun little game with plenty of variability and certainly is fun to play. Its quicker and easier to play than its larger cousin and would certainly get more play I think. Really enjoyed this
« Last Edit: 28 March 2012, 14:59:05 by Zarniwoop » Logged


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