This is a really beautiful looking game, all the pieces are of high quality and the artwork is wonderful. The basic idea is you piece starts on the outside of a grid of squares and you place tiles in front of your piece which provide a series of paths. You move your piece along the path you choose till you reach the end of the tile, play continues this way and the the aim is to remain on the board and avoid bumping into the other players. If your path takes you back to the edge you are eliminated, if your path takes you into another player you are both eliminated. You have to be careful as other players can use their tiles to move you in unexpected directions, as when you get close to one another if your tile adds to another players path they get moved as well. There are a limited amount of cards and you quickly get to the point where the only new cards to get are when a player is eliminated.
The games plays from 2 to 8 and looks like it will work just as well with any of those numbers of players.
This game is quick, simple and extremely fun to play and I would recommend it to anyone.