This is a simple game with long lasting appeal. The basic premise is to move your pieces though the house and escape to the outside world avoiding being eaten by the roving monster.
There are blood pools you can use to slide further around the board using less movement, blocks you can move around you can use to hide from the monster. In the advanced rules you also get crystals the monster can see through, Blocks that make him turn 180 deg, blocks that make him turn right and also teleports.
Each player starts with a number of people each of which move at different rates, once they have moved they are flipped over revealing a diffrent move rate. This is just plain FUN, you have to work out how you will get to the exit whilst avoiding the monster as well as trying to avoid or hinder your fellow escapee's. The monster movement is handled by gravestone cards with numbers on depicting his number of moves. He looks forward, left & right and as soon as he See's a player moves towards them. There are also 2 special move cards, 1 & 2 hit where he will move until he eats 1 or 2 players.
It has been mentioned this was not as good 2 player. I have to disagree slightly, I played this 2 player and found it was still good fun and played well. Admittedly it plays much better with more players as you all tend to get in each others way and if the monster catches up you lose people rapidly.
This is an excellent addition to the collection and will be played again.
The pieces and artwork are excellent and the fact you get 3 monsters made up of individual parts means you can build you own monster for each game which is just brilliant!...