Mild Psychosis
Karma: 6
Posts: 176
« on: 14 April 2008, 19:16:03 » |
Game Run Christmas 2002
Last night a fireball swept through The Paradise Theatre on Mulholland Drive during the re-opening ceremony in it's new role as permanent home to The Metro Arts Society. As the event was starting the alarm was raised that there was a leak of a highly flammable liquid in the basement. Shortly after the evacuation of the audience, which included several civic dignitaries and notables from the arts and business communities, a loud explosion rocked the district. Fire crews battled through the night to prevent the fire from spreading to adjacent properties. Sara Landry (49), founder of Metro Arts said, "We're all obviously devastated by this but grateful that we were able to evacuate everyone. 20 years work with Metro Arts cannot be undone in one night and we will come back from this all the stronger." The group are now seeking a new venue for their project. Previous owner Richard Jacobs (71) stockbroker, was quoted as saying, "It's a tragedy. It has been a dream since childhood to bring Paradise back and to have that dream destroyed at it's fulfilment is a great shock. To quote Milton. "Yet from those flames, No light, but rather darkness visible.""(PL Bk1 Ln62) A similar sombre tone was set by the Rev Philip Mc Bride who was injured during the emergency. "Farewell happy fields, Where joy forever dwells: hail, horrors!"(PL Bk1 Ln249) Tragically in the early hours a body was found in the wreckage. He has been named as Robert Grant (22) an electrician at Boston General Hospital and volunteer at The Paradise. It appears that he was trapped in the projection booth. An inquest will be opened on Wednesday. The Fire service has also begun an investigation into the blaze and have asked for witnesses to come forward.
Excerpts from the official Police and Fire Department reports into The Paradise Theatre fire.
1. A terrible mistake in the plans led to the fuel tank for the new heating system being connected to the water system instead. The fuel tank should have been empty though as the installation was not complete. A clerical error at the suppliers led to early delivery and of a much more volatile product than is normally used for heating systems.
2. The paint being used in the renovations was HIGHLY flammable and it is recommended that the product is banned immediately.
3. There was a very high Alkaloid content in the paint and furnishings. The smoke fumes from this would have rapidly led to confusion, hallucination and death. Source of the Alkaloids has not been identified but it is present in the unused paints but not in the manufacturers product.
Reference research :- ALKALOID any of a class of organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and usually oxygen that are often derived from plants. Although the name means alkalilike, some alkaloids do not exhibit alkaline properties. Many alkaloids, though poisons, have physiological effects that render them valuable as medicines. For example, curarine, found in the deadly extract curare , is a powerful muscle relaxant; atropine is used to dilate the pupils of the eyes; and physostigmine is a specific for certain muscular diseases. Narcotic alkaloids used in medicine include morphine and codeine for the relief of pain and cocaine as a local anesthetic. Other common alkaloids include quinine , caffeine , nicotine , strychnine , serotonin , and LSD . Aconitine is the alkaloid of aconite . Cinchonine and quinine are derived from cinchona , coniine is found in poison hemlock , and reserpine is an extract of rauwolfia roots.