Well I got there early, which ended up being a bonus as Andy turned up early and unexpectedly then Evilginger arrived early!.
So we cracked on with a game of
Belfort this game is really well crafted with excellent components and exceptional gameplay. After a quick run-through the rules we started and Andy seemed to take to this straight away taking an early lead which proved to be a decisive one as well. Myself and Evil ended up fighting for second place, I sadly missed out on a guild buying spree between the other two.
The final scores for this were: Paul 36, Simon 32 and Andy 55
We then broke for a quick lunch, well Evil had already ordered from
Rumbletums and arranged for delivery on the shop but living up to his Evil handle did not bring a menu for the rest of us to share in this

Whilst I went for a rummage to Sainsburys to collect some food Andy was taking a look at the rules for
Lords of Waterdeep which
Spirit Games had been given a pre-release copy to demo. When I returned we punched this out and Andy started to run through the rules but had to step out of playing as he had to leave. Chris turned up in time to get involved in the rules summary and we got started with Andy DM'ing until he had to go. This is a really well put together Worker placement style game with a D&D theme thrown over it. The theme does not really feel worked into the gameplay and could easily be replaced with another. That said the mechanics of the game are extremely solid and well thought out. The game flows well as well as being easy to pick up with minimal effort, it also plays quite quickly which is very good for this style of game. I really enjoyed playing this and the components are well made with an excellent insert that takes all of the pieces after punching, excellent job. I would gladly play this again.
Final scores for this were: Paul 129, Evil 116 and Chris 137
We then broke out Chris's
WizWar this is up to the usual
Fantasy Flight Games standard the components are well made and the artwork superb. Players take on the role of wizard battling to grab each others treasure and/or defeat their fellow wizards to win the competition. Its a fast paced games where players move their wizards and cast spells or use items to aid them. I really enjoyed this, despite getting splatted by Chris thus giving him the win.
Finally we broke out
Kingdom Builder to end the day. Just as we started Caz arrived after her day out, so we managed to pull her into the game as well. As I have mentioned before I really love this game it has such variety, with no two games ever being the same. The components are well made and the rules easy to pick up and teach to new players. This was an extremely close game in the end, the closest I have played to date in fact. Paul:50, Caz:51, Simon:51 and Chris: 47
I really enjoyed the day, so thanks to everyone who came and played games.
The next event should be on the 21st April so if you fancy coming along to try some games then I'll see you there.