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  • GammaCon Roleplay for Aid: 10 June 2012

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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 15 May 2012, 01:20:34 »

Details from their Website:

A new short event will be taking place in aid of Oxfam, watch this space as Gamma-Con joins with Oxfam in June in hosting the RPG Intro. A one day free pop in and mingle, game and donate event in which you can meet and greet new players and have a game as well.

Do you have too many books that have seen better days? Would you would like to see someone else enjoy your books as much as you? Do you, like me, feel guilty as they fade away on a dusty shelf?  I have an answer for you.

I volunteer for Oxfam in their newest bookshop in Lichfield and we are crying out for Fantasy and Science fiction books. By donating your books to us you are letting others enjoy them at a price some can afford as well as helping Oxfam in their charity work abroad.

We are also, as ever, taking an opportuniy to spread the word of our beloved hobby and will take over the shop floor on the 10th June for a large gaming session. So pop by or spread the word, donate or get in touch and fill that void until our Winter event later in the year.

This event is FREE and totally up to you if you wish to donate, whats important is that we support the hobby and keep the interest alive with the next generation or old gamers wanting to get back into the hobby. The best part is that we may even help those who need it in the process...a good days work.

For more information about oxfam or how to get involved with the event click on the relevant buttons below, i hope to see you there!


Contact Page for the above


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