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Who said anything about panicking? This is still culture shock. You wait till I`ve settled down in the situation and found my bearings a bit. Then I`ll start panicking. - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: Game 07 - Myths and Legends of the Lambton Worm  (Read 2937 times)
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 14 April 2008, 12:43:35 »

Wed 4th April 1923
Request from Harvard Historical Society Journal to help find missing Journalist Jerry Tanner no word for 2 weeks. He was sent to investigate the myths and legends of the Lambton Worm. Has sister in Boston

Burton Green village 30 miles south Boston.

Lambton Estate is bankrupt, Harvard Journal wants to save it for historical reasons and using story to try and uncover any historical date to use to help justify preservation.

Jerry stayed at Black Bull Inn in Burton Green.

On Arrival saw headline about dead journalist body found in Devils marsh. got copy of paper and discovered this was our man.

John Thorn landlord of the Black Bull we arrange to stay in same inn and persuade the landlord using letter from Harvard to gain access to Jerry's room. Find copy of "Superstitious New England" with three sections marked.

Two versions of myth, marked by differing endings which is unusual.
Key points are Lambton worm reforms after cutting. If killed slayer must kill next living thing he sees to avoid curse.

The villagers only know the Burton Green version of myth.

The Stanton estate (150 years old) Albert Stanton was last owner, died in 1918 of pneumonia. The estate has stood empty for 5 years.

5 years ago another death of young boy Peter Smith tripped and fell in bog and drowned.

Ghost Story: Michael Fort-Mason took hi dog Monty for walks on Worm Hill every night., one night Monty vanished and Michael searched for him every night until he died a month later. Monty was never found, it is said they haunt the hill.

Thurs 5th April
Worm Hill: Ground appears poisonous areas of poor growth and sickly looking plants. No animals evident. Ground appears unsafe, as found by foot getting caught by some ground giving way.

Folly: Stone tower of 50ft on top of worm hill. Located near putrid bog.

Jerry's Notes: Scientist came to investigate legend to see if it fell into his research but found no evidence. Jerry interviewed scientist but dead end.

Newspaper report about Satanic cult arrested one evening performing rituals near folly. Richard Miller reported them seeing them with telescope which led to police intervention.

No stomach contents & dehydrated.

Realised we did not find journal in his room. Went to talk to policeman investigating case and managed to persuade him to show us journal. Nothing unusual found at first (lots of failed spot hidden). He was seen on Wed on south side of Dear wood drawing a sketch we then realise we did not see sketch in journal went back and discovered two pages had been removed from journal. Tried to get imprint on next page mostly bad but did uncover one word "Hollow"

Arranged for tour of Stanton Hall, empty of all furniture, fixtures and fittings.

Looking over the copy of "Superstitious New England" and remembering the one word from the journal we realise the folly is Hollow.

Mr Miller watches folly through his telescope. He was last person to see Jerry alive he noticed him Wed evening at sunset near folly. We go and have conversation with him and we realise he knows more than he is saying but we are both sizing each other up and know it. Realising we are at an impass we decided to investigate folly the next night at a time we know Mr Miller will be at our pub having his evening meal. We go outside of the village to purchase climbing equipment to avoid raising suspicion.

We manage to get inside the folly and find a stone plinth which after a struggle we manage to shift. An escape of methane overcomes me making me sick. We manage to climb down part of the way until rope runs out and we slide down until we find ourselves inside a stinking, slimy area which does not feel solid. We realise to our horror that we are inside a creature which appears to have an elder sign seared into its flesh. Our shoes and cloths start to burn and I get badly injured. With some difficulty we manage to climb back out of creature. We return to hotel and the good doctor patches me up as best as possible.

We realise this is the creature of the myth and tie up certain details with the evidence we have seen. We return to speak to Mr Miller where we discover that he is a watcher of the worm to ensure the elder sign is never broken. The worm ancient Name is Dhole or "The Great Worm" and it would appear the myth is millenia old. Mr Miller is the last of his line and has said that he may have need to call on us in future to aid in the watching of the worm to ensure the world is kept safe. We have passed this onto the society in the hopes that we can persuade them to aid in this task.
« Last Edit: 12 January 2009, 19:24:41 by zarniwoop » Logged


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Mild Psychosis

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« Reply #1 on: 14 April 2008, 19:10:59 »

Just to point out what Paul failed to mention.
The size of the worm. There isn't a worm in Worm Hill. The hill IS the worm. Big enough to swallow the Titanic!!!


Custard: A detestable substance produced by a malevolent conspiracy of the hen, the cow, and the cook.

Devil's Dictionary (1906)
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