Raksi picked this up and we had a quick two player go at it yesterday after Malifaux night.
It looks like a fairy classic dungeon bash game and many of the components which are all sturdy & with nice clear graphics resemble those from the 4E D&D board games. However it has a number of nice mechanics I had not seen before and is a combination of a cooperative & competitive game.
The Game has two phases getting to the boss & slaying it which will be hard unless there is some element of cooperation & an end phase which is player against player as all the players are form different factions all of which very much want the summoning stone you have to kill the boss to get. In that phase you have either to be the last one standing or to exit the Dungeon with the stone.
The dungeon is entirely geomorphic & not all the tiles will be used in every game & the design of the monsters is such that all will be interesting and given the number rarely repeated - as usual defeating monsters gives you experience but healing is slow & can only be done after succeeding in a combat or other task & takes one of your two actions for the turn even then its only one point. There is also no way to increase your health by experience which is gained by trading in pairs of monsters you have defeated increases one of the stats on your stat line & gives you the choice of an additional character specific special power. treasure which is gained from exploring new areas & defeating encounters is mostly equipment which may or may not be of use to your character.
I also not it is quite possible fro no one to win as the dungeon may kill you all off before you defeat the boss

A fun Game I want to play again with more players give it a go