This will actually be our second meet as Phil nippy little bugger that he is organised the first session yesterday Tuesday 26-11-11 & we had two games first I played Jarvis to a sudden death when having I felt been a bit over cautious in my first proper game the previous Saturday against his resurectionist crew, became reckless & managed to expose my master to the tender mercies of the SteamBorg executioner
which is quite as nasty as it looks
When the inevitable happened and it slaughtered her despite the attempt at a rescue by her bodyguard & having dodged like mad at that point the guild patrol fell back in good order and Ramos chose not to pursue as he had a union meeting to run
The other game was Jarvis against Phil which saw Ramos skittering off into the dark after Phils master with notable support form the rest of his crew had destroyed the dread Steamborg & all of the arcanomechanical toys he prefers to fight his battles with.
electrical construct
brass Arachnids & swarms of the blighter's
of course all this will change next time, but it was a blast & I would also like to thank Pixie & Tiki for coming along to see what we where up to.