If you liked or have played Zombie Dice, then you'll like this game.
It's a very similar mechanic, roll dice select some to keep and continue rolling until you run out of dice or bust.
The idea is you are aliens invading the Earth and trying to gather Humans, Cows or Chickens. While using Death Rays to destroy the Tanks.
You start by rolling 13 dice.
You must keep the Tanks on all rolls
You can then select to keep one of the following Death Rays, Humans, Cows, Chickens.
Then roll again.
If you have kept Humans / Cows / Chickens you cannot keep them again in later rolls.
When you run out of dice or cannot 'keep' any more its round over
You score 1 per Human / Cow / Chicken, however if you have 1 of each type you get a bonus 3 points.
The first to a score of 25 wins.
A very fun and quick game but with some strategy to keep the scoring high