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Listen, you footwarriors, can you hold hard a bit with the firing? I`ve just got three impromptu weddings breaking out behind me. - Arthur Dent
Linked Events
  • Conception 2012: 25 January 2012 - 29 January 2012

  • Signups have closed
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 10 January 2012, 15:17:41 »

Details from the Conception Website

(Convention Guide in more Detail)
When programming your sat nav, use this postcode: BH25 7QT

On arrival, walk through the main foyer through the double doors in front of you and immediately on your right is the con-desk where you can book in and pick up your keys.

The guys on the desk here will answer any questions and endeavour to sort any problems for you throughout the con.

There is no charge to attend the event, you only pay to play; £3 per slot, tickets available from the con-desk.

The day is split into 3 slots per day.


(although games often run to 2345, clubhouse is closed at 2400hrs)

Sunday, all slots run an hour later.

Games are advertised on 3 signup boards in the foyer. Games only go up 24 hours in advance and refreshed after each game is mustered. Sign your name to book a place.

If you can’t find a space, turn up for muster anyway, as often people don’t turn up leaving spaces which need filling.

Living games have there own signup boards. A ‘Living Game’ is where a player will take a character and grow him through different GM’s and players. The character is registered centrally and GM’s sign off equipment, treasure and experience. Specific adventures are available and players generally know exactly which adventures they want to take their characters through.

Muster is a noisy, busy, mass congregation of all the players gaming in this slot. You must turn up on time! The GM will be called, followed by the Game Name and the listed players. The GM will then take you to his allocated table and ask you for your ticket (write your name on the reverse of your tickets, at the Sunday Raffle all tickets are placed into a draw as random prize winners).

Muster for Living games takes place 15 minutes before slot start in the lower bar.

Muster for non-Living games takes place 5 minutes before the slot start in the main foyer.



<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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