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Author Topic: Priests house of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun  (Read 20609 times)
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Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« on: 28 September 2011, 04:12:01 »

The Priests withdrawing room is pleasantly if modestly  furnished lit by a pair of ever flame torches and heated by an expertly banked up fire in the grate, there is food a decent thick vegetable stew with yesterday's bread washed down by a tankard of wheat beer, all served by the novice on night duty

OOC over to you lads

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #1 on: 28 September 2011, 05:03:24 »


Sits down in the not unfamiliar surroundings not at all comfortable at first but a good meal reminds him of quite how hungry he has been of late since the money ran out and he was forced to resort to labouring. He is busy enough eating to stay silent and let others speak


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings

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« Reply #2 on: 28 September 2011, 21:09:56 »

Galdor "Burp, pardon, is there any more beer?"
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.

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« Reply #3 on: 29 September 2011, 02:20:23 »

Galdor again.
"So why were the two of you looking for a common thief who steals supper and why would you suppose that common thief would be me?"
And to Merideth "I don't think you got around to explaining why you were after a source of evil"
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #4 on: 29 September 2011, 05:53:32 »

Passing Galdor the ale jug "Some one stole my meal at the flop house over the road and I heard the door go but did not see who left and when I ran out onto the street I ran into, him" nods towards Gotfried "and I think now I may have lost the thief then but we carried on looking for a while before we ran into you."


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #5 on: 29 September 2011, 13:36:58 »

Merideth grins showing a mouth full of razor sharp fangs " I am always looking for Evil its the only way you can keep it from getting out of hand & I think one of the gnomes at the Trevit  yard is Evil I just did not get close enough to sense which one" She grins it would be a nice grin, but for the teeth.

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course

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« Reply #6 on: 29 September 2011, 17:14:08 »

Looking at Merideth, "Damn girl, you are going to scare someone grinning like that.  The reason I was snooping around the wagon works was probably along the lines that you were.  I met up with a halfling in the flop house"
At this point looks over at Selengil.
"Who had a hard luck story about his pony farm and all the bad things pointed back at a character Helviticus Trevit.  I first went to the residence of this character and was a little shocked to overhear some gnomish chattering which abruptly changed into some sort of priestly chanting"
Galdor glances over at Gotfried
"I then moved to the wagon works where my chance meeting with this delightful lady," winks at Merideth,
"was rudely interrupted by a group of gnomish thugs who chased us away"
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.

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« Reply #7 on: 29 September 2011, 23:13:50 »

To Galdor, "So to lay the first issue to rest you did not in fact steal poor Selngil's meal, it was some other down and out? It just so happened that you left on your errand just as Selngil realised that his meal had gone missing."

"Our paths crossed" I motion to Selngil "when in his excitement, one of our acolytes mistakenly thought Selngil was a Celestial deity. Not being totally convinced I humoured him and followed him into the street, after all not all things are as meets the eye" I say looking at Meredith. "I do believe however that things are guided by our deity's hand so these events did not transpire without reason - which it appears is the case here."

"I suspect then, that you are in the employ of this halfling Galdor?"

"As to this chanting, my suspicions were right, our meeting was no coincidence. A source of potential evil in this city is something I will not tolerate, it must be rooted out."

Turn to Meredith "And as for you Meredith you say you hunt evil. How did you become aware of this gnome Trevit?"
« Last Edit: 29 September 2011, 23:22:52 by Deebee » Logged
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #8 on: 30 September 2011, 20:07:01 »

Meredith "good sir the thing is I am not sure which of the group of gnomes was evil but one of them was defiantly and most of them seem more thugs than the apprentices they purport to be. I have been trying to isolate the source for days and Gentle elf you are not the first one I have seen with an interest in the Trevit gnomes the other was a halfling a gentleman farmer by his dress who was asking questions and prying into their business, however not I think with a mind to buying a cart though I have head they are well made and serviceable"

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #9 on: 02 October 2011, 15:59:34 »


(to Gotfried)" I understand I have been mistaken for one before which has been the cause of some embarrassment and inconvenience in the past between myself and the Celestial order"

(to Galdor ) "I am no master tracker and in all likely hood I lost the track of the thief, and over reacted when we met, mostly because I had seen you at the poor house"

(to Merideth) " I am inclined to agree with the good elf, what manner of creature are you?"


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings

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« Reply #10 on: 03 October 2011, 02:03:50 »


"Well thats our cards on the table. The hobbit paid me a retainer to investigate the problems he is having at his pony farm.  All things point at this Gnome, Trevit."

"I suggest we team up to investigate further, unless you have something more pressing to attend to." Looking at the others in the room.
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #11 on: 03 October 2011, 05:17:02 »

"I am in what sort of trouble?"

OOC edit I am a silly mare I missed out a comma have corrected myself below 
« Last Edit: 03 October 2011, 17:41:15 by Hard Rain » Logged

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #12 on: 03 October 2011, 11:43:16 »

OOC Hard Rain I would like to reply to your post but I cant work out what you are having Merideth say could you expand on it.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings

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« Reply #13 on: 03 October 2011, 17:07:16 »

Glancing over at Merideth and edging behind Gotfried.
"Err, I don't think you are, Merideth"
Scans around looking for the exit.
« Last Edit: 04 October 2011, 17:10:09 by slug » Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #14 on: 03 October 2011, 17:44:30 »


laughs " I said I am in, what sort of trouble is the halfling having?" smiles toothily at Galdor " I told you your not evil so your quite safe round me, so dont be so jumpy. I think it spoils the cosy atmosphere"

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course
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