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Author Topic: Film Review - Thor  (Read 3449 times)
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« on: 10 May 2011, 15:55:26 »

Getting ready for the Avengers movie in 2012, it’s time to introduce the world to the character of Thor.

This is an origin story that spends half its time in Asgard and the other on Earth.  It’s introduced some more characters from the Marvel universe.

The movie wasn’t too bad for origin story. I’d enjoyed it; however I thought Thor had his “awakening” moment too quickly on Earth, and was also distracted by the 3D element of the movie (read my 3D movies thread for details)

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« Reply #1 on: 29 May 2011, 22:44:21 »

I am not a comic reader so I am watching all of these movies with no preconceptions as to what to expect.

I wanted to like this film, the trailers and teasers made this look like this was going to be good. However, the reality was a film that was not much more than - look at Thor he is going to be in the Avengers film.

The 3D did not add anything to the impact of the story and looked like an afterthought. The fact that I nearly fell asleep part way through the film, not something I have ever done before, is a testament as to how overlong the film was. The thing is there is not enough "meat on the bones" in this movie, there are long tracts of nothing much happening or furthering the plot. These "origin" stories are in danger of putting non-fans off the series, there needs to be enough of a story and hook to bring in people like me who do not know the comics.

As it stands, I feel like they could have merged several of these films into one, cutting out the protracted fill-in material that adds nothing and then just get on with the main Avengers flick.

I can only hope Avengers lives up to all this protracted hype or there will be a mob with pitchforks and torches.


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« Reply #2 on: 30 May 2011, 18:16:19 »

Hopefully a team of several people will make protracted-background-exposition-boredom very hard.

All they needed was to replicate the 'simba looking up at simba's father in the clouds' scene, where thor looks up at cloud-Odin and Odin says something like 'Thor, i am your father.' Loki causes trouble, Thor solves it by hammering all Loki's minions then Loki and Thor fight a long time. END.  Beer
« Last Edit: 30 May 2011, 18:18:35 by Dat » Logged

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