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Author Topic: Wiraqocha  (Read 2419 times) Average Rating: 4
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 24 September 2011, 14:49:20 »

The theme is steampunk which is always good and the quality of the components is excellent, with the possible exception of some of the stickers where the artwork is a little dark making it hard to distinguish between some of the special pieces. Players represent different conglomerates competing to collect the spoils of this Lost Valley of riches. The board consists of a number of hexes with either a number 1-12 or a dice combo in order to place one of your pieces you need to get the exact number or the right dice combo. The hexes produce resources, gain extra dice to roll, allow a re-roll, gain extra mining points or contain one of the 4 relics that will let you discover Wiraqocha's treasure. There are 3 ways in which you can win, Collecting all 4 Relics, Mining a number of Somnium Crystals or acquiring a number of Buildings and Technologies to build the Leviathan. Players move or add their pieces to the board and mine crystals, collect resources spending these on the various cards which provide special actions or additional playing pieces to aid them. The game lasts more or less the hour specified and is huge fun to play, there is a lot of player interaction and in all the games I have played so far the competition is fierce and the final outcome close with more than one player a turn or two away from winning.

I really enjoy this game, it is easy to teach as the rules are not too complicated but there is depth here as well as plenty of replayabilty. The game comes with a variant which is swapping one of the tiles for another which adds a twist to the normal setup. Worthy addition to my collection which has already had a lot of plays.


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