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Author Topic: Town House of Helviticus Trevit at Poklington square  (Read 8695 times)
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Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« on: 06 September 2011, 23:57:32 »

The house is large and on the edge of the new town centre its construction speaks of wealth & a certain flamboyance through is was certainly not built in the first place by any Gnome as every thing about it and the ancillary buildings stables and coach house are scaled for larger folk. By day the place is busy by night it looms silently and looks at least in part to be empty as if few actually live there. It stands on the side of the once fashionable Poklington's Square and is surrounded by houses of similar are and grandeur

« Last Edit: 07 September 2011, 00:05:19 by Hard Rain » Logged

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course

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« Reply #1 on: 07 September 2011, 02:03:18 »

Galdor will do a reconnaisance around the perimeter, keeping strictly to the shadows, if possible get onto the roof of an adjacent building to look into the grounds.

I know you are going to need some rolls

Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7

Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11

Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.

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I will stop gaming when they pry the dice from ...

« Reply #2 on: 07 September 2011, 02:06:46 »

I have got some adds for percepion +6
Climb +6
Stealth +8
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #3 on: 07 September 2011, 05:27:31 »

by the time Gildor arrives at the Trevit house, the nearer of the two locations, it is fully dark and the square is lit only by some ever flaming torches outside the adjacent house and by the light coming from the mostly shuttered windows of all the houses around the square, There is plenty of shadows to hide in and it looks possible to pass the gate into the coach yard behind totally unobserved. The construction of the house & the ancillary buildings in brick with decorative stone window Door and corner edging makes it a fairly simple climb, should Gildor  do so. 

Of the houses in the square Gildor  notices that the Trevit house seems to be the least well lit with only the main entrance windows & what might be servants quarters on the fourth floor showing any light as he observes Gildor hears the distant shout of the night watch announcing the time..

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course

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I will stop gaming when they pry the dice from ...

« Reply #4 on: 07 September 2011, 05:50:32 »

Gildor cautiously approaches the house and sees if he can climb up to the lit window to try and peer in/eavesdrop

OOC - top of the morning to you Hard Rain, I type this on a train steaming down the West Coast from Canadia to home (Seattle).  Praise be to the wonders of on board wifi and thumbs down to my bosses thinking a four hour train ride beats a 50 minute plane flight.
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.

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« Reply #5 on: 07 September 2011, 10:14:09 »

OOC - Good for gaming though  Cheesy
« Last Edit: 07 September 2011, 23:21:39 by Deebee » Logged
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #6 on: 07 September 2011, 16:34:27 »

OOC   Smiley thank you Slug  indeed I have bosses like that too but we make of it what we can, like the night security guard they hired for work who was good company until it became apparent she was a lesbian & wouldn't lay off chatting me up Angry Embarrassed. Heaven knows what that cost, but the same people count toilet rolls & question us on how many printer refills we use I don't get it. & very true DeBee

The climb is not hard (using the first roll you made before) and Gildor makes it up to the first lit window it is shuttered but some light escapes from between the cracks in the shutters listening to the crack (using the second roll you made)  at first Gildor hears little but after a short while he hears the sound of two gnomes judging by the rather squeaky voices talking in gnomish laced with words which make the hairs on the back of Gildo's neck stand up & are not in gnomish but a different language all together.

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #7 on: 08 September 2011, 17:20:35 »

Gildor cant make out all that is said even in Gnome since the speaker is mumbling and seems to be some distance from where Gildor is listening but it seems to be a single gnome talking to himself about what he needs to do which seems to be its clerical duties interspersed by brief passages incantations in the language Gildor can't understand but makes his flesh creep, given the context these are possibly prayers but Gildor shudders to think what the gnome is praying to in that language. Given that gnomes all have rather high pitched & squeaky voices its not possible to say if the speaker is male or female.

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course

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I will stop gaming when they pry the dice from ...

« Reply #8 on: 08 September 2011, 17:25:18 »

Puzzling over the praying bits, Galdor will quietly climb down from his persh, assuming he cannot make out any intelligible parts of the conversation.
He quietly pads away to the next destination on Grimsdyke St.
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #9 on: 09 September 2011, 05:39:52 »

Gildor climbs down from his perch without incident & slips through the dark and increasingly empty night towards the Wagon works unnoticed and alone save for a few late night revealers staggering home form the places of entertainment around the market place.

Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course

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I will stop gaming when they pry the dice from ...

« Reply #10 on: 09 September 2011, 06:16:40 »

OOC I will continue this over at the Trevit Wagon Works thread
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.

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« Reply #11 on: 09 September 2011, 10:08:56 »

OOC - Sounds like you need a cleric who might understand that language  Wink

Could be a good way to pull the party together?
« Last Edit: 09 September 2011, 12:14:48 by Deebee » Logged
Hard Rain

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madder by parsecs

« Reply #12 on: 11 September 2011, 17:39:30 »

I am working on that DeeBee


Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!

A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course
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