Bob had decided to bite the bullet.
After spending several days in Inkosintaba Bob had decided to make the peroulous journey along the Street of Palms to Kirighast.
Armed only with an invitation to the officers ball that evening, Bob had set out to face the most fearsome, the most beligerent, the most spiteful creature he had battled since comming to this world. Nellens Rache!
Having found the Nellens household, Bob had been shown in by a servant and greeted by Rache's father. He was a proud looking man with a military bearing and an upright stature. Possibly due to that rod stuffed up his ..... well. The conversation that followed could have been described as awkward or frosty, but Bob wouldn't want it to sound friendlier than it was.
Strained it might have been, but the old soldier had allowed Bob to speak with his daughter. That was where things had gotten really interesting.
Where her father had been quiet, distant and cold, Nellens Rache was outspoken, direct and firey.
She had been less than impressed with the evenings invitation, taking vast offence at the fact that she was being asked as an afterthought.
Which now he thought about it, probably wasn't very flattering.
She had taken the invitation, torn it in two and hurreled it across the room with such force and such vehemence that Bob would have sworn he saw some sort of "flare". Except that she was not exalted, so ...... ?
She was also less than impressed to see Bob, taking his very pressence as an insult.
(This was where Bob had started to wish he had used the damned invitation in a manner familiar to desperate campers everywhere!)
At this point Bob's opinion of her father had started to change slightly. He could have sworn he saw the old man trying to hide a smirk as he put a restraining hand on his daughters shoulder. He plainly loved his daughter but was more than familiar with her foiables.
Bob had said his bit, telling Rache that they would all be glad to here that she had been safely returned to her family. He had barely gotten the words out before he had been escorted to the door at spear point by the household guard.
Bob had made his way back to Inkosintaba, where he found that Laura and Anarith had bought him some clothing for the ball which weren't the gaudy nightmare he'd expected.
He'd then had an unexpected visitor, Nellens Rache's brother, Nellens Simot.
Nellens Simot had seemed awkward and ill at ease until Bob took pity on him and offered him a drink.
He had been sent by his father to enquire after Bob's intentions towards his sister. This had been awkward.
Truth be told Bob wasn't entirely sure how he felt about the girl. She was a spoilt, impetous, self absorbed nightmare.
But somehow or other, since she'd started hateing him he'd found her a lot more interesting.
So Bob swerved the issue by saying that while he was unmarried he did have family commitments amongst his "tribe".
This seemed to satisfy Simot and he had returned home.
Laura, Pig and Bob had met before the evenings entertainment to discuss the days goings on.
Bob spent most of the time insisting that Laura do somthing about Pig. Like changing her name for starters!
The party that evening had been uneventfull until the Anathema had exalted in Kirighast.
The party broke up as groups went to investigate. Bob, Laura and Anarith had found the Anathema killed by a single unmarked arrow.
An arrow which none of their exalted company was willing to claim! Leaving them with something of a mystery.
So much for a quiet day thought Bob. Civilisation was prooving to be one of the most dangerous places they had visited, and so far they were only touching the edges of it!
Well, tomorrow they would be traveling north and he would have to put Nellens Rache and the whole sorry debacle behind him.