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Author Topic: Anariths Log.  (Read 2101 times)
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Blissful Ignorance

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« on: 29 July 2011, 05:22:47 »

Although she was frustrated at letting the child Ahlat escape her blade the battle was won. Allbeit with many casualty and a well battered group of her cousins. The lost eggs had been beaten almost to death if she were to stay with them shed keep in mind to keep a close eye on them in future. Those not fortunate enough to be blessed from within the realms walls scarcely got the same training yet were still thrown onto the battlefield. It was a shame but such was the way of the world.

Ahlats child had surprised her that plate and grand daiklaive could easily have pulled a number on her but the fool had let himself take her first blow. But that aside the blade was far from casual although Orichalcum in this age was rare in large quantities the quality of that blade was beyond your normal grand daiklave the sockets for the hearthstones.. Just where had such a lowlife gotten such a devasting thing... That would have to wait.

Of those who had helped Bob had seemed more content to play in the sand then actively participate his actions made her wonder. Despite her lack of training Laura showed much promise on the battlefield she was one to watch in future. Fran aside from wallowing in her drunken stouper most the trip she had no really had chance to assess but the state she had come back in and where she ended up showed she must have some fight in her.

Of her Cousins Yofahu, his flying sword breaker aside had showed a good deal of skill fighting alongside him was pleasantly surprising... Although she had not forgotten his earlier comments she may forgive but she does not forget! Ledaal Kayoba although he seems wise as all Ledaals seem to display some form was more of a bookworm he had his uses on the battlefield but the libarary obviously more his forte. Tiholu for a lost egg he had remarkable book keeping skills his efficiency in gathering and managing the original gathering and ongoing funds for the mercenarys was well executed certainly a valuable member of the troop.

For now it seems the Blessed Isle is the destination although she had not been gone long it would be good to get back.
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