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Author Topic: Miyoxi Tiholu's View  (Read 6372 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« on: 10 May 2011, 20:42:22 »

I a sorry to say I have not yet met you thought I am sure it will be delightful when I do


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #1 on: 19 May 2011, 17:23:55 »

I am sorry to say that we have still not met though I am certainly looking forward to meeting the lost eggs from the barbarian tribe


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2011, 19:06:10 »

I met them at breakfast the morning before it happened & found them quite charming for all they needed a wash and where dressed in truly outlandish cloths especially for people so far in the south. They said that they where from the north an isolated tribe which had likely had no contact with the rest of creation since the contagion. I did not quite know what to make of them, So I said little and let the others speak, they like to do that  I find. They where very polite even if they could only communicate through a magical talisman  which rendered their strange and no doubt barbarous  tongue comprehensible to civilized man a useful artefact & one which would if copied greatly help the Thousand scales.

The next day we went hunting together & had a pleasant day though in truth I dont enjoy hunting all that much it seems so wasteful even if we do eat or feed to the camp followers all we kill whilst looking for the real prize. I wonder if the holiday was such a good idea

To be continued......
« Last Edit: 29 May 2011, 21:35:36 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #3 on: 03 June 2011, 22:25:11 »

My my what a pickle I am in I think the Barbarian girl is falling in love with me & I her as if I wasn't already in such a horrible mess. When am I going to have to make my break? I can't go back to the Harbourhead proper not with what I know neither can Nellens Rache even if she doesn't realise  it. They have surely found out that we know by now & will stop at nothing to make sure that no one except us ever knows. I had hoped the Safari would have lasted longer & given me time to think an to plan something, now it seems that I will be denied that and have to act. I am really not good at that truly I am 

to be continued........

« Last Edit: 03 June 2011, 22:29:40 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #4 on: 19 June 2011, 15:47:31 »

There is a curse he did not know how old it is & which sounds remarkably well innocuous, which ran something like "may you live in interesting times" , but now it would seem he was living it & the reality was a great deal less than innocuous. Here he was stuck in the far south having as his mother would say jumped from the pan into the fire, not that she would consider herself worthy to speak to him any more as he was a Dragons blessed exalt & she was a common born mortal even if she had raised him till he was thirteen. He missed his mother even if he had not seen her in fifteen years.

Tiholu made an effort to pull himself together, none of that was becoming nor would it help him or any one else of his companions trapped as they where in the south of the Harbourhead which seemed to him a pile of tinder to which the spark had just been applied. He suspected that they where supposed to do something about this mess even if he was at a total loss as to quite what he could do he was after all a clerk when all said and done. He hoped by the dragons that on of his companions had a idea. Tiholu certainly hoped so.

To be continued.....

« Last Edit: 19 June 2011, 20:04:50 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #5 on: 08 July 2011, 17:24:57 »

Tiholu's was in some way revealed when Yofahu sugested they club together & raise an army to put down the Revolt in Ifonaris because it gave him something to do in the short term organising the logistics & pay for six thousand troops is a huge task, but one which he found his training and work experience fitted him well for though oddly he missed Nellens Rache who was for all her faults a very able assistant in such things still he managed & most people could be persuaded to help a bit & the mercenary captains knew their trade well enough to cooperate & one Easterner who had the strange dreams was properly educated to the task.  Tiholu was only upset that Fran who he defiantly liked he decided, seemed to want nothing to do with helping and decried the affair as "bloody murder", strange girl for wasn't that the way of the world? at least on the threshold and perhaps even on the Blessed isle the way things seemed to be shaping up.

In the longer term the success of the venture would make him enough of a hero to perhaps shield him against the fallout from the other matter, he did hope so as whilst he would not have chosen Erile as a wife they really had nothing in common she was some one he didn't want to hurt after all she was nursing the disappointment of not exalting just as he was still nursing the hurt of exalting when no one expected it at all. He was also sure she would like Fran if nothing else they both played Gateway with flare and aggression & Tiholu's would like to see them face off across the board.

to be continued.....


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #6 on: 01 August 2011, 03:07:31 »

Tiholu realized that he had dozed off in the camp chair in Frans tent and awoke feeling uncomfortable canvas chairs where hardly designed to sleep in but he found it even harder to sleep if he left her for his own tent even though the Surgeon assured him that she would live and that the Exalted of the Dragons seldom took permanent hurt from even such severe wounds. Tiholu couldn't bring himself to believe him after all he was only mortal he (Tiholu) was a aspect of wood whose healing magic's and knowledge where legend and Tiholu had once healed one of his fathers apprentices of a broken neck which should have killed him. Unfortunately that had been at the moment of his second breath and he had never managed any thing of the sort since and was not good at dealing with medical things. He recalled in shame being thrown out of his wife's confinement by his furious wife and her midwife Denegra and not allowed back until after the mess had bean cleaned up and the twins given to the wood spirit who was going to be wet nurse.

Tiholu wondered how the twins where as he had not seen them for it must be three  no nearer four years,  but was sure that his wife who was so much better at every thing than him, except exaltation, would have written if anything had go awry not that he (Tiholu) had been in range of such things as letters for nearly a year. Tiholu winced he would be in trouble for the one thing that kept the fiery  Sesus Erile happy running his small estates where letters from him and her exalted half brother telling of their doings in the threshold.  Tiholu always worried that his where so much more boring than her brothers in the north where he was a colonel in the legions. Still his next letter would be well worth the read he though and with that he returned to his tent to write it whilst the siege of Ifonaris proceeded and the other woman he loved slept in and dreamed opium dreams

« Last Edit: 06 August 2011, 21:01:27 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #7 on: 06 August 2011, 19:53:25 »

Tiholu was happy to be back in Inkosintaba though he was at the same time not going to announce his presence in Kirighast where the majority of his old department did the majority of what it called its work but which he had hard evidence sewn into the limning of his now rather well worn buff coat was much more like blatant graft. He would spend his time with Fran who seemed to have calmed down about the twins quite a bit though she had & he tried so hard not to stereotype her as a fire aspect, incandescently angry about him not telling her. He had told her he was married fond of his wife but not in love with her  it was an arranged marriage was his having children so much of a surprise and they where splendid children according to Erile and yes if they where going back to the realm he would drop by and see for himself.

He had taken time using the leverage he had gained from his involvement in putting down the hecatomb revolt as they where beginning to call it to get him a job as a roving auditor around the Satrapy’s and posts of assistants for Fran, Bob, and Laura these would give them a status in the Realm even if they where barbarian and out castes. He would have liked to have done the same for Nellons Rache but the poor woman needed to get over the crush Fran had told him she had on him and Bob and get back to being the very able administrator and splendid working companion that she was. For his own part he wished she had told him rather than acted as she did throwing oneself at strangers was well unworthy of her especially when according to Fran she had done it from spite he was sure Fran believed this but he couldn’t quite believe that of Rache. Tiholu wasn’t about to say so as he feared Fran’s reactions would be much the same as to the discovery he was the father of twins.

Tiholu’s chief concern over and above getting out of Harbourhead was to work out why the pepper merchant had gifted Fran with such fine suit of armour, Tiholu did not quite believe his tale of being a Realm loyalist who was grateful to the heroes of Ifonaris for the restoration of peace in the Satrapy still his new sword was also very fine even if it was no Daiklave it did have a jade alloy blade and a hilt made of rare woods from the furthest east and it was his perfect balance

« Last Edit: 09 August 2011, 21:46:37 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #8 on: 09 August 2011, 21:45:57 »

Tiholu would look into this Pepper Merchant properly later even if it felt more than a bit ungrateful having accepted such precious gifts form him.  Tiholu did console himself that it was largely at Fran's urging that he did as they had already discovered a replacement for ruined mail shirt was beyond their pockets especially as  Tiholu was insistent that if she was going to play the hero she should have some good armour to do it in. He would of course rather she did no such thing.   Tiholu was no soldier but it seemed to him that it was better to operate as a team as they had against the War Aurochs and the Ishadhi than charging off alone brave as that was. It was far to easy for it to end badly as it had so nearly for both Fran and Laura on that occasion.  

Still he was looking forward to his new job to returning to the Realm to see his children and seeing Fran & Erile play each other at Gateway, because he was convinced that his own poor skill at the game she so loved was one of her many disappointments in her marriage. One she felt even more than being married off to the son of a shoe maker from  near Lords Crossing whose family had never produced a exalt before & whose mother had not even attended the wedding because she was not worthy indeed none of his family except his father had or talked to him since that day when he turned eleven and he made the casks in uncle Arif's cellar sprout and flower.  Tiholu was proud of him for being brave enough to come and stand uneasily with so many of the people his mother and most of his family for that matter viewed as gods

« Last Edit: 11 August 2011, 17:37:53 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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