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Dark Heresy 19th July
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Topic: Dark Heresy 19th July (Read 3000 times)
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Winchester Delvers
Slight Inkling
Karma: 1
Posts: 47
Dark Heresy 19th July
19 July 2011, 13:20:33 »
You are visting the Agri-world Orbel Quill to bury the remains of Quinn. Due to a "curse", no one on the planet lives beyond the age of 40 - specifically, within 36 hours of the 40th anniversary of their birth (or 36 hours of a 40+ year old arriving on world), the person will die of multiple organ failure.
Captain Sander has asked for your help as the body of an "old" woman has been found. She had a religious book that you assume was given to her in her retirement year from employment at the Medical Distribution Board. This would age the woman as 58. The body was tattooed with the sign of St Tomasi (patron of Woodsmen) and showed evidence of an (old) splinter weapon wound.
Visiting Tomaswald, you learned that a woman (Clara) of the correct age did used to live here and did moved to the city 34 years ago, following Dark Eldar raids across the planet. She left with her husband Otto and son, Rudi. Clara did recover from a splinter weapon shot. Her daughter, Ursula, was taken captive by the DE. Clara was on the Med Dist Board records as retiring in the year you would expect.
Clara and Otto's old house in the wood, turned out to be haunted by three Dark Eldar wracks. It seems they were scavenging in the forest. In the cabin was evidence of years old poison compounds - only a master poisoner (haemonculus?) would likely have the chemical know-how to mix it.
The Youngston address for Clara and Otto is still registered to Rudi (you assume this is their son as mentioned above). He would now be 39. Your radio contact with Youngston is probably tapped.
You have a few hours remaining until the last Ascendancy Lighter leaves with the final "brightest and best" athletes, tacticians and academics from The Games (along with the Planetary Commander who attends the closing ceremony) to live full lives on Boon Station.
Winchester Delvers
Karma: 0
Posts: 93
Re: Dark Heresy 19th July
Reply #1 on:
19 July 2011, 15:47:11 »
I will be there to ensure the aged Commissar gets on that lighter!
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