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Author Topic: Tombouctou  (Read 2353 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 04 July 2011, 23:57:23 »

The components and artwork on this game are of a very good quality, not unsurprising as it is a Queen Games production. The rules are quite simple, well laid out and well written.

Each player has a number of camels (each lettered), a number of lettered cards (matching the camels) and a set of cards showing where in the next oasis thieves will rob camels. At the start of the games players place their camels at random on the starting pitches, with the only restriction they have to have a camel in each line once all the camels are out play begins. Players are dealt a set pf 3 cards which show which pitches, on which lines will have 2 types of goods stolen from, On a piece of paper players mark, in secret, where they know the thieves will strike then select their first camel to move.

Each line of camels has a choice of two lines to move to in the next oasis for free, or by paying one good can move to any line. Players reveal which camel they want to move, and move them in turn order to the front most empty space of their chosen line, 2 spaces have card symbols which means players pass round to the left their thieve cards. At some point the players will know where thieves will strike at 3 out of the 5 lines so there is always an element of risk for everyone. Once all the camels have been moved the thieves attack camels on those pitches lose the goods indicated, if they have them. The thief cards are then collected back in, shuffled, and a new set dealt to each player for the next oasis.

Once the players reach Tombouctou and resolve the last theft players score their camels. Each good they have left is worth the number of that type stolen throughout the game, for example if you have 3 water left and 10 have been stolen you Score 30 for your water. You work out your score for each good and then total it all up, the player with the most wins! Smiley

This is incredibly good fun, produces some funny moments during play and very very enjoyable.


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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