This is a beautiful little game, the components and artwork are of a high quality.
The players compete to make the most elegant towers, with bonuses for Gold adornments (and open windows with an expansion). You score more for having higher towers or more towers. On each turn the players have a hand of cards with coloured builders on, these are placed at one of the many areas on the board to denote what actions you want to take.
Player order here is important as each area is blank to start which gives the player a free choice from his hand but subsequent players need to place a builder of the same colour or two face down cards if they have none. You are then able to take that action, which is buying various tower parts or one of several special actions.
In order to build a tower you need to have enough pieces to make a complete tower (Top & Bottom as min) but you can add to existing towers.
This game is not overly complicated to play but is immensely fun and involves a lot of careful planning of moves. I really enjoyed this and look forward to playing this again sometime.