The Team for chapter IBrother Ulfrik of the Space Wolves - A tactical marine (Team Leader)
Brother Dorn of the Dark Angels fourth company - A tactical marine
Brother Dravidus of the Black Templars - An assault marine
Brother Verditus of the Storm Wardens - A devastator marine
Brother Maleficus of the Storm Wardens - Techmarine
The Team for chapter IIBrother < ants charactor>of the Space Wolves - A tactical marine (Team Leader)
Brother Dorn of the Dark Angels fourth company - A tactical marine
Brother Dravidus of the Black Templars - An assault marine
Brother Verditus of the Storm Wardens - A devastator marine
Brother Agrios Ferrio of the Grey Angels - A Tactical Marine
Team for Chapter II part IV onwards Brother < ants charactor>of the Space Wolves - A tactical marine (Team Leader)
Brother Dorn of the Dark Angels fourth company - A tactical marine
Brother Dravidus of the Black Templars - An assault marine
Brother Verditus of the Storm Wardens - A devastator marine
Brother Maleficus of the Storm Wardens - Techmarine
Brother Snake Napalm of the <insert chapter> - An assault marine
The Inquisition Inquisitor Lord Sebrathin :- dour & some what puritanical inquisitors
Etenalis :- Sanctioned Psycher
Toldar called Iron face, Lord Sebrathin's body guard
OthersAliesCaptain Major Jellious Brahnt of the Grey Angels
Honour Capitan Corvax Vargo of the Death Whispers
Chaplain Miles Gildemass of the Death Whispers
Librarian Denis Mukunin of the Death Whispers