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Author Topic: Report form Agent Kurush to field officer Rochina  (Read 4828 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« on: 19 June 2011, 15:56:38 »

events in harbour head I have observed

Ifonaris is in full revolt & has passed out of the control of the realm at least for now though it is a small revolt & because of the unpopularity of the people of Ifonaris to their neighbours & the ethnic differences unlikely to spread far beyond the town, unless that is it is further furled by the cult of Ahlat which is the one thing that the tribe of Ifonaris & the surrounding tribes have in common.

of rather more interest where a group of I would guess dragon blooded some apparently outcast & some Realm which I saw in the area & latterly met to speak to. These I will pay attention to & see if I can guess their purpose as this is not obvious even to me at this point, indeed I may venture to posit that they are still determining this themselves.

to be continued......

« Last Edit: 19 June 2011, 20:56:31 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #1 on: 16 July 2011, 04:52:08 »

As requested a further report; Shortly after our initial encounter the group split with the soldiers of the 47th Legion going directly north  and the group containing the exalts I mentioned in my previous dispatch going a little north west a day or two latter after giving up on rescuing Mennemon Jaxut, with who's truculent self I wish you joy by the way.

 I am now following this group at a discrete distance & have to report that they have met up with a young Carthack, Cathak Garel Anarith who I had observed earlier to the north apparently setting out on a hunting expedition, and arrived in the guild outpost of Ruethna  where they almost immediately went about recruiting a significant force of mercenaries, a full list of the commands follows but significant amongst them was, Alixdar Etreniankor the man from Meers crossing, leading the survivors of that action, I report this as the high command I recall where very interested in a mortal who can best The Mask of Winter in battle.

The purpose for which this army was raised, and it is a significant one being with supply train and comp followers nearly ten thousand strong  was soon apparent as they headed out within a couple of days in the direction of Ifonaris.

I will keep you informed but I expect Gelmuxi Yofahu the officer of the 47th Legion of the Realm, who is in command of the army, to strike directly at the insurgents in the hope of repeating The Roseblacks actions with the vermilion legion in the west.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #2 on: 31 July 2011, 16:17:54 »

I tracked the army as it moved south and observed that it consisted of very complainant troops for the most part easterners trained in the Style of the Realm Legions or of our allies from the River province. It had a severe lack of cavalry being limited to three troops of light horse two of which where from the desert tribes south of Chiaroscuro and as to expected horse archers the others where from the south east and favoured the javelin and light lance. I also scouted the surrounding area and found that they initial movement of this force was not noticed by the rebels and they where not aware of its arrival at all until it did. It goes without that this goes beyond sloppy but the Rebels had the support of the southern war god and potentially nearly fifty thousand troops, so it can be explained as over confidence. King Akled did notice the arrival of the force in his lands but did not seem to do much more than mobilise his own forces and then not all of them by any means.   He either sent no messengers or none of them got through and as by that time the Realm army was only days away I doubt that the Rebels would have been able to mass their full force at Ifonaris even so.

Once engaged the Realm forces acted with vigour with Alixdar Etreniankor, Perfect Jade, and Bob leading a raid which slighted the defences of the town with fire dust charges whilst the rest of the forces engaged in the sort of attritional warfare best for a small well trained and lead force against a mass of irregulars and warbands of the sort the Harbourhead forces typically are. When it became apparent that the morale of the Harbourhead rebels was much influenced by the presence of six of Ahlats war aurochs. Seeing this Gelmuxi Yofahu organised a realm style dragon blooded strike group which defeated three of them and drove the rest off  causing the Rebels to recoil and forcing their leader who I would presume is the Ishadhi to join the battle with his body guard. His force looked very impressive but fought only moderately well and failed to withstand the power of a Realm strike group. Which the ?Ishadhi tried to take on single handedly. He failed and was born from the field by his wives.  Most interestingly he carried the sword and quite possibly the armour of an ancient anathema the runes on the sword a monsters Grand Daiklave indicates that it was made for the Primordial war for a Solar of the Dawn caste unfortunately I did not get close enough to identify which one but very few where made which could hold so many heath stones particularly of the larger type.

The reason for my distraction was that the Impis of King Akled fell upon the rear of the Realm army and I am as you know under orders to make sure as far as I can that the three remain alive as the astrologers say they are significant. I need not have worried because Alixdar Etreniankor and his command backed up by Fran Stanway who single handedly acted as a dragon blooded strike team held them and with Gelmuxi Yofahu and the rest moving back to join them.

The fighting became confused as Gelmuxi Yofahu slowed to make sure his front line held supported by Bob and Ledaal Kayoba but Laura and Miyoxi Tiholu moved directly to the rear. I watched as Fran Stanway cut her way anima flaring through the army of King Akled and most of his bodyguard before being speared in the chest through her rather flimsy jade mail shirt by Hekkan the butcher the Captain of the Guard and falling. Laura flared her anima and also charged being shot in my Miyoxi Tiholu who did his best to help clear the way with arrows she also reached and cut her way trough to king Akled in Fran Stanway's wake and was stopped by Hekkan the butcher, but not before she had slain King Akled with a water blast over the shoulder of his bodyguards. King Akled's body guard bore the king from the field and was followed in their retreat by the rest of his Impis who almost broke pursued as the where by the Realm light horse savagely.

The main Realm line held  throwing back the last attacks of the rebels who began to scatter and retreat in groups in to the veldt and would have been subject to a great slaughter if the Realm forces had had any fresh cavalry or other mobile forces available.

There followed a short siege of Ifonaris whilst Bob & Perfect Jade built a fire dust mine under the east wall which destroyed most of that wall and a short but unusually atrocity free storming where only Valan's northern barbarian half beast men behaved as one would have expected.

A peace was negotiated with the city goddess Harmonious waters and the town held until relived by the forces of the 47th Legion of the Realm where upon Gelmuxi Yofahu lead his army back to Ruethna   where he disbanded it

« Last Edit: 31 July 2011, 17:08:08 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #3 on: 30 August 2011, 19:39:09 »

As per my mission I have integrated myself into Alixdar Etreniankor's mercenary company which was particularly easy as the majority of the core members are from river province as it turns out and form the former Kingdom of Milune to the south of Thorns. As a force they are small after the battle at Ifonaris just over a scale even with replacements recuited from the other River province companies recruited fro the campaign and they are not all that well equipped being a mixture of straight Medium infantry about two thirds and Medium infantry archers about a third.

In addition to this the company has a similar number of non or semi combatant camp followers most of whom are the families of its combatant members and as before most hail from the former Kingdom of Milune and escaped its fall thanks to in no small part Alixdar Etreniankor. The company has no slaves apparently some of them where such when Milune fell but Alixdar Etreniankor made a point of stressing the equality of all the survivors.

As unit they fight well from what I have seen of them in  action they lack the polish even of Realm legions much less the field forces of Lookshy but they fight well manoeuvre expertly and with alacrity as they did when facing the charge of the Late King Akles's Impis at Ifonaris they are without doubt brave and are well led.  Alixdar Etreniankor who they made their captain by vote after he lead them out of Milune is a military commander of the first water and would easily find a place in the senior ranks even of the field forces don't forget that it was he who took command of the whole army of the Realm at Ifonaris after the majority of the Dragon bloods formed a strike group to drive off the War Auroxes and confront Beloved of the Bull god and his rather extravagant combat harem not Ledaal Kayoba who is no soldier and a teacher rather than a leader of men or Francis Stanway whose valour is not in doubt but whose strategy of charging the whole of Akled's Impis was more likely to get her killed than work.

« Last Edit: 30 August 2011, 20:46:01 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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