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Author Topic: Lard Island news  (Read 57191 times)
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Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #75 on: 24 June 2013, 16:13:02 »

A bit over exposed & not thank all that is good and holly either of the lardies in kilts  Shocked

The premise

The game

in the patrol phase...

The rest of the action is then reported Phase by phase like the previous AAR & very good it is despite the all most feature less table...

« Last Edit: 24 June 2013, 16:39:39 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #76 on: 09 July 2013, 17:08:32 »

reposted from the Lardie yahoo group

Fools rush in

Two great games of Chain of Command today with a platoon of armoured Panzergrenadiers attacking a British held village in Normandy. It was the first time I have deployed all of my German halftracks in one game and it was really great to see them in action on the table.

I'll be putting up a report of the second game in the next couple of days, but I thought I'd share with you the rather amusing first game. Being rather over-impressed by the pretty vehicles I thought I'd just drive straight up the road and crash into the village, destroying all in my path. Not much of a plan, but there you go/

On turn three my lead halftrack stormed up the lane followed by the command halftrack. As the platoon HQ slowed to take a bend in the road a shell from a concealed 6 pounder turned it into a blazing mess, killing the Platoon Officer, the senior platoon Sergeant and the Panzerschreck team. German force morale plummets like a stone and the remaining halftracks turn around and drive off the table. Game over in five minutes with only one British unit deployed on the table!

Needless to say in the second game I was a bit more cautious with my commanders!


& Rich has never played flames of war either  Shocked

A rerun AAR to follow


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #77 on: 14 July 2013, 12:17:18 »

Chain of Command Publication date announced..


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #78 on: 22 July 2013, 20:43:15 »

Final cover for Chain of command

I think its quite cool


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #79 on: 28 July 2013, 05:41:47 »

Chain of Command cover announced...


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #80 on: 02 August 2013, 05:28:52 »

A Dust up Near Metz a Chain of command AAR posted live at the time.

before it starts - looks very peaceful


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #81 on: 21 August 2013, 06:07:38 »

Chain of command goes commando

Support lists for chain of command

Thoughts on fire power in chain of command

Tactics for infantry in chain of command

Selecting forces

a video presentation, which I will add to Lardie TV shortly


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #82 on: 28 August 2013, 04:21:11 »

Polish lists 1939  for CoC published


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #83 on: 06 September 2013, 20:09:07 »

German army 1939 lists for the invasion of Poland

« Last Edit: 06 September 2013, 20:15:17 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #84 on: 10 September 2013, 16:07:08 »

Lard across the Irish sea which I missed for some reason

& the man even Soviet army lists 1939-40 for CoC


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #85 on: 17 September 2013, 21:26:35 »

Finish winter war list for Coc

list here

Chain of Comand Errata & Faq...

document here


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #86 on: 22 September 2013, 05:35:59 »

French 1940 list for CoC  now we are getting there


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #87 on: 22 September 2013, 16:12:54 »

German 1940 lists have arrived...



seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #88 on: 22 September 2013, 16:14:00 »

Reports of the British list arriving very shortly are also coming in ....



seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #89 on: 22 September 2013, 18:22:56 »

And here they are as rumoured....


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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