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Author Topic: Beer & Pretzels 22 - CrazyFrog - Games Played  (Read 4216 times)
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Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

« on: 18 May 2011, 12:11:07 »

Beer and Pretzels 2011 – Saturday – Day 1

Started my day off at Beer and Pretzels 2011 with EvilGinger’s wargame of “Through the Mud and the Blood” from the Too Fat Lardies.  I enjoyed playing this very much as it’s different to what I normally play.  We the British (that’s me and ?) planned to take the Parsons Nose, a bunker and trench on a hill controlled the Hun and umpire of the game Mr EvilGinger.  As this was only my second wargame ever, I made all the normal mistakes of a noob, from splitting the squad, and moving from cover to cover under blinds too slowly as I was concerned about being spotting and misunderstood the orders about the artillery fire.  So I lost about 3 rounds getting into the middle of the board.  From there is was cut through the wire or go around it and try to storm the trench.  In the end we drove the Hun from the trench and bunker however their reinforcements where on the verge of entering the board is we opted for a retreat as it was felt we couldn’t hold the hill given the status of our troops.

Please follow EvilGinger’s thread on the day’s events for a more detailed account of the battle.

A big thank you to EvilGinger for running the game providing the figures and scenery K+

Score:  British vs. Hun = Draw

Next followed an old game I’ve never played called Favoriten or introduced as “Yer B.....’d” due to comments made by gamers.  It’s a very easy game to play, where you bet on 5 horses as they race around the course.  You are allowed 3 bets per race which you can make at anytime, however there is an order and if you bet nearer the start you score higher.  The active player then rolls the dice and moves any of the 5 horses, then repeats until all 5 have moved.  Then the active player moves on, everyone can bet and then move the horses until 3 have crossed the finishing line.
I liked this game lots and currently surfing EBay for a copy.

Score: Paul 85, EvilGinger 84, Crazyfrog 72, Andy 68

Next was For Sale a quick card game in 2 halves where you auction property cards of different values, each player bids on the card from a limited cash reserve.  When all the cards are purchased, the game enters the selling stage.  You sell the property cards in a blind draw using cheque cards.  The winner is the person with the most cash at the end.

Score: Paul 63, Crazyfrog 60, Andy 58, EvilGinger 44

After a walk around the hall and chatting to gamers I only see at Raiders / BnP.  I took over a space in the middle of Magnum Sal. A nice game which involves extracting salt from a mine and completing contracts to get money.  I’d like to play this again from the start; however it takes a couple of rounds to pick up, then its trying to work a strategy out before the contracts disappear.

Score: Zarniwoop 103, Oscar 98, CrazyFrog 59, Melissa / Vince made 4th player but didn’t finish

After my delicious chicken curry and chips from the Town hall kitchen.  I finished the evening off with Cargo Noir which involving biding on cargo in different locations then selling it in either same sets or unique items in order to get money.  This is a nice easy game to play that you will be happy to play again and again.

Score: Matt 110, Zarniwoop 100, CrazyFrog 80


Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
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« Reply #1 on: 18 May 2011, 15:23:53 »

Beer and Pretzels 2011 – Sunday – Day 2

I wandered into the Town hall for the afternoon session and started with Ascension.   This is a deck building card game, where you purchase cards to support you gaining VP’s and duffing up monsters.  It’s very similar to Dominion however I think its hard to work out those killer combo’s decks, as what appears in the “supply deck” is random throughout the game.

Score: Oscar 56, Crazyfrog 46, Melissa 44, Sharpe 33

While waiting for another game to finish, me and Oscar had a couple of games of Tortuga the game that’s like draughts but with turtles and the only objective is to get 1 of your turtles into the middle of the opponents starting row.  I love this game as its quick but requires forward planning on the moves.

Score: Oscar 1, CrazyFrog 1

To finish the day off me, Luke, Roy and Zarni played Nuts! A suitably mad card game with lots of in-jokes about nuts.  You get nuts and then “acquire” more from other players if possible as they may have defence cards to stop you.  First one to 20VP’s wins.  In both games this was Luke the younger.

That ends another Beer and Pretzels weekend, as always great fun and one of the most enjoyable weekends of the year.  I’m looking forward to next year’s event and many thanks to all those I gamed with and organised / ran the games I played and finally to Spirit Games (Phil n Sally and helpers)


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"You know you want a trip down to the asylum"
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« Reply #2 on: 31 May 2011, 04:40:14 »

didn't spend quite as much time at B&P as I would have liked but got in a half day of Lardie Demos on Saturday & a couple of games between, including the exerlent Favreten frog mentioned above. The Sunday being a bit of a dead loss beyond meeting friends and having some very good beer. Bearing I am supposed to be an evilgenius I really should get a minion to do the grunt work so I can spend the whole week end debauching myself at my favourite games even.

Will have to try next year.......


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