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Author Topic: Laura's Life  (Read 3956 times)
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« on: 03 June 2011, 00:00:33 »

Phew. Finally after weeks of endless marching and other people trying to get her killed (which she had to admit was quite a change) she was sat in an inn, having a decent breakfast and contemplating how life was turning out.

Between fighting hellish creatures and fighting off the amorous advances of irritating noblemen Laura hadn’t had much time to really think about why they were there beyond Not Getting Themselves Killed, but since they were there to prevent something happening (maybe) and had been sent back specifically for that reason (possibly)it seemed the only option was to push forward and work out why they were there, whom they had been sent by and if fulfilling the job they were sent to do was the ‘right’ thing to do.

She wasn’t quite sure if the what they were supposed to do and the right thing to do were the same thing. What if they weren’t? And the only way to get home was to do something wrong? Would she be able to resist the temptation? Unfortunately it seemed not everything in the supernatural world was as fluffy and friendly as Dancer...

Laura sighed and shook the thoughts from her head. Last night had been busy enough, what with the ‘party’ and long conversation with Ledaal Kayoba she had far too much to tell Fran and Bob when she met them later in the day.

George had begun to act even more strangely than she supposed a Jedrt was meant to. Talking, for example. She’d tried to talk to him before and only got back snuffly Jedrty noises. Sure she’d been able to get the general gist with the help of the tablet, but after he killed the Anathema he’d held a full conversation with her. Distressing as it was to hear the story of how George had lost his mother, she was pleased for him that he’d got his revenge, and with such style! He was a little Jedrt missile! An icky little creature though, by chewing his way in to her chest cavity and eating her heart. Vengeance is a funny thing though, and she imagined quite satisfying.

Slightly less gory was the other conversation she had planned for today. With Fran. Which could prove to be Hilarious. It seemed she had no idea the looks that Nellens Rache had been shooting at her when she was talking and laughing with Miyoxi Tiholu. It was nice to just have some nice and normal mortal drama to deal with for once.

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« Reply #1 on: 13 July 2011, 13:55:19 »

Well, so much for the nice normal mortal drama. After running for her life from Ifonaris, taking part in covert operations to free their (now presumed dead) companion and trekking further North to yet another small city they were about to start a war.

What on Earth was she doing? Less than a year ago her biggest problem had been vampire counts and her boss wanting to poke around in her brain. Now she was about to take part in - No, help lead an army to crush a rebellion.

If you looked at it purely objectively it was the way that would save the most lives overall.. but there would still be fighting! And killing! It made Laura a bit sick to think about. In a way though, it was a nice change to make such an immediate decision to fix the problem. Back home she would have been bound by so much red tape she could never have acted on even a minor problem.. but in Creation she could make a difference. Help people. Save lives.

Creation was a brutal place, she knew this.. it was how she'd wound up with a servant that she hadn't wanted, but Pig had picked her and trusted her to keep her safe.

She had to, didn't she?

Laura had to admit it was nice to be able to use her powers too...
She could stay, maybe help people... But how would she explain that to Bob and Fran?

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« Reply #2 on: 20 July 2011, 16:35:44 »

This was it. The eve before the battle.

Why had she agreed to this? Sure, Ahlat needed a good kick in the shins, but god kicking was more Bob's cup of tea than hers. She liked to talk things out. Be diplomatic and all that.

It was entirely likely they were all going to die in the morning. Why it was a plan Menemon Jaxut would have been proud of, the foolhardy idiot that he was.

Just this, make sure she kept Pig safe, and get Fran and Bob out of this safely.

Fran was a constant worry, what with her drinking blood now. Blood. Made Lauras skin crawl to think about it.

They had to do this, for revenge for a fallen ally and the protection of the innocents of the realm.

Laura just hoped she could protect herself.

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« Reply #3 on: 23 July 2011, 14:28:32 »

Hah! Those Bull Aurochs hadn't liked the grenades Bob had been throwing,and they hadn't seemed too keen on Cathak's blade either, if you could call that surfboard a blade and not a weapon of mass destruction!

Bob had done a brilliant job of blowing the gate off, seemed a much better way of getting in than by a siege!

Things were on form there side, she hoped Fran and Pig were ok.

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« Reply #4 on: 28 July 2011, 18:52:40 »

Well, now that went better than expected. She hadn’t died (well, she had no real proof on this one, she’d certainly nearly died, and it had all gone black but she was up and about so she certainly wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth!)

They had found Alat’s son, who they had been looking for to give a good punch in the teeth (literally, with a rather well aimed elemental bolt attack!) and Cathak’s blade had made a lasting impression she got the feeling, but his personal bodyguard had swept him from the field before they got the opportunity to properly have at him.

This was the good bit, it all went a bit downhill from there. The next thing she knew Pig had been running towards her at speed telling her the camp was being attacked from the back... She’d had to run back to try and help Fran. Getting there and meeting up with Alixdar before leaping in to the fray. She didn’t like to think about the next bit. She’d hewn her way through many warriors on her way to Fran. It didn’t bear thinking about. She had been sure Fran was dead, and taken her revenge on King Akled with force. Laura had the feeling she had killed him as well, and frankly was less bothered about that than she could have been. His bodyguard took their vengeance in style, knocking her down and the next thing she knew she woke up in the camp.

Bob filled her in on the most important things, how the battle had practically come to a standstill with the arrival of the small gods. Evocative Thought had told her how Mist had been the one to save her life for which she was eternally grateful. Bob had blown the walls of the town, found that Menemon Jaxut was still alive (though in the hands of a seemingly mystical ninja) and they had hopefully left the town in a way that may allow it to return.

Laura just hope her leg would heal on the trek back to the last town they had been to, and that they wouldn’t have to start any more wars on the way there. At least they had escaped with their lives.
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