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No, don`t you understand, this is the first time I`ve actually stood on the surface of another planet ... a whole alien world ... ! Pity it`s such a dump though. - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides  (Read 2331 times)
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 29 May 2011, 23:21:11 »

Another very hyped film, which I was really looking forward to, which I was led to believe was filmed from the start with 3D in mind.

So I went in hoping this would be fun and make use of 3D to good effect, well on the 3D front it was nothing more that the tacky lets point something towards the audience, nothing spectacular.

I liked the film but I did not love it, it was not the best in the series and often seemed to repeat stock Captain Sparrow moments from previous films. This is a shame, the acting talent in these films is excellent and the characters very interesting but the writing and plots did not match them in this film.

It would appear this was meant as some kind of reboot of the series to take it in a new direction, as key characters are no longer with us, however they failed to bring us an epic story worthy of the talent involved. I wish I had waited to watch this on Blu-Ray as it did not warant to cost of going to the cinema to watch and certainly not the additional 3D tax they seem to want to add to every film.

If they do attempt a 5 they need to get some better scripts, better ideas and lets have some new Jack Sparrow funny moments not the same joke or stunt done in a slightly different way being passed off as new.

The film had its funny moments but not enough of them and the story felt forced, the first 2 films in this franchise were the best and it has just gone downhill from there.
« Last Edit: 29 May 2011, 23:25:56 by Zarniwoop » Logged


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