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Author Topic: Roundwood's world  (Read 61867 times)
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Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #45 on: 26 June 2012, 23:40:23 »

More work on the great in all respects bunker I am very much hoping to have a chance to see this at some point but it looks like Sid will have to hire a big van to cart it around. Truly a project of near epic proportions.

Read enjoy & be inspired....


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Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #46 on: 04 July 2012, 03:57:15 »

Moving away from building the Hindenburg line Sid discusses how it was broken as well as plans for sloping off to Bovington tank museum


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #47 on: 05 July 2012, 21:11:46 »

Sids off Play testing again in the Mud & the Blood

more thoughts from Sid prompted by his preparations for a game at Bovington tank museum


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #48 on: 09 July 2012, 21:43:33 »

What happened at Bovington doesn't stay at Bovington it seems

another corking After action report from Sid & more pics of his prise winning terrain.

coming to Burton at Beer & Lard in October dont forget


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #49 on: 06 August 2012, 06:13:49 »

Finally an update from Sid apparently he has been on holiday shouldn't be allowed I say

something interesting from the barbecue perhaps?

Something good from TFL with a couple of articles in it form Sid


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #50 on: 16 August 2012, 13:33:38 »

Sid ties up a few lose ends


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #51 on: 24 August 2012, 03:43:23 »

in which Sid or some one dons his smurf suit or somthing like that

A playtest AAR for the Raiders supplement for Dux Brittanirium


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #52 on: 26 August 2012, 06:54:28 »

Having now raid the AAR in detail I am even more obsessed if such where possible with this DUX BRITTANVM & will likly be making more scenery for it this very afternoon.

I am also rather inspired to get my existing forced finished as they need those last touches owing to being a bit rushed in the first place.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #53 on: 30 August 2012, 05:49:52 »

Sid Springs into action with some more stuff for WWI & through the Mud & the Blood which we will hope see in the flesh at Beer  & Lard


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #54 on: 17 September 2012, 21:21:20 »

more Germans hopefuly appearing at Beer & lard


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #55 on: 23 September 2012, 21:11:58 »

The painting of the Germans proceeds


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #56 on: 03 October 2012, 22:28:29 »

more Germans


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #57 on: 03 November 2012, 06:42:26 »

Having recovered from the re enactment of the great Flu epidemic of 1919 Sid is back to his old tricks here are the onese which can be talked about in polite company.

& finally off the Antwerp to cause a crisis again

do be warned however there are pictures of wargamers in this article & that is never  a good thing for the faint hearted or easily shocked.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #58 on: 06 November 2012, 20:58:13 »

apparently not all the attendees at Crisis  Antwerp where not photogenic a lecherous teenage girl who will remain otherwise anonymous reported an unusual amount of "hot talent" amongst the "sad wargamer types" <shudder> I am so glad I don't have a daughter...

Still as Sid diden't in the end make it to Crisis we are safe in the knowledge he was not amongst either category

an interesting quiz to see how much of a wargamer you are which I am sure you could with modifications apply to just about all other sorts of gaming


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #59 on: 15 November 2012, 20:28:09 »

Roundwood update...

Just remember these where ordinary blokes not superheroes' who did what needed to be done & despite what some may say made the world if not better then much less worse than it could have been otherwise.

Warhorse the real story

& finally some one on the Lardie yahoo group has give Sid some idea's



seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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