This is a really fun addition to the game and adds a unique twist. By placing settlements near fishing ports you can, when the numbers come up as usual, take a fish tile (with 1, 2 or 3 fish) from the face down pile. You can then trade them to perform several diffrent actions:
2 fish: Place the robber back into the desert (may not draw a card from another player who owns a settlement / town at the desert).
3 fish: Draw a raw material card from another player.
4 fish: Take any one raw material from the bank.
5 fish: Build a road immediately.
7 fish: Take a development card for free.
There is also an old boot that can be fished. The player with the old boot in his possession, requires one more point to win. You can pass on the old boot to another player with the same number or more points than themself.
I feel it adds a lot to the base game and certainly spices up the game. It also works well in conjunction with the "Great River" expansion.