Francis Stannway thought to herself that she had had a strange life up to the point she met the two police officers, Bob & Laura it felt odd for her to be on first names terms with the police even after all she had been through & that she had lived in Heaven for forty odd years. Unbelievably it had got stranger yet since especially now they had seemingly done the impossible & travelled back in time to the dawn ages of creation. This of course was impossible but as the man said when you have eliminated every thing else what remains no mater how bizarre must be the case & it certainly felt right.
The travel through the desert had been horrible thought she had suffered less from it than the others & she was more than grateful that they had been rescued & it was nice to be rescued by a friend even if he did not know her it was sort of comforting. That
Evocative thought wanted something did not surprise her she was used to the ways of gods and he had been her neighbour for years & given splendid parties so she knew him well. That it nearly ended very badly was a shock, that the problem was an exiled & demoted storm mother was a bigger shock it was just fortunate that the stupid creature had not been bothered to actually wear the splendid jade 3/4 plate she manifested in & had go for intimidating the puny mortals except they weren't & it failed, which wouldn't have mattered to a Storm Mother at full power but she wasn't & it did and so she was dead but it was too close run for Fran's liking.
Laura had been saved only by the blessings of
Morning the small god of dew in the Glistering desert & the enhanced resilience of the chosen of the Dragons what had saved Bob she was not so sure off but he was no mere mortal Fran guessed or had been much less hurt when the impact of the dart flung him into the cliffs around the water hole.
Still onwards and upwards as they say.....
to be continued.....