You and up to 3 other players are battling to try and contain 4 deadly virus’s as they rage across the globe.
Each turn you can take up to 4 actions,
Examples are moving to an adjacent city or if you are at a research centre you can move straight to another city with a research centre for 1 action. Remove a cube of virus from the city you are in. Build a research centre if you have the card for that city in your hand.
Certain characters allow you to do more with these actions as a special ability, like the Medic can remove all cubes from a city for 1 action.
On your turn you take your actions, you then draw 2 player cards and then draw infection cards acting on them by placing cubes on those cities. If a city already has 3 cubes of the same disease on it then you have an outbreak placing 1 cube of that disease on all adjacent connected cities, if they then get more than 3 cubes the infection spreads wider.
This game is unpredictable the first game I played went really quickly as the 3 of us failed to control a major outbreak in Asia resulting in a swift completion of the outbreak track ending the game. The second game lasted a bit longer but again we failed to contain a major outbreak.
As a team you are trying to control the outbreaks whilst attempting to develop the cures. To develop a cure you need to collect 5 cards of the same colour and then when you are at a research centre use an action to discard them thus developing the cure. Then once all the cubes of this disease are removed it prevents any further outbreaks and you can ignore infection cards for this disease.
This game is just FUN. It is a co-operative game, and you do need to work together utilizing each team member’s strength to its best.
We played two games of it the same night after the first ones quick finish and I’m sure I will be playing this one again.