A strange game where players have a hand of cards, with some superb artwork on them, and the active player says a word / phrase / tells a story / sings a song / makes a noise about one of his cards the other players then look through their hand and places a card they think matches this face down. The active player then takes all the cards, including his own, and shuffles them then places them face up in front of everyone stating which order the cards go in, players then vote for which card they think is the active players.
Scoring goes as follows:
If All or None guess correct the Active players card then 2 VP for All Other Players
If only Some guess correct 3 VP for Active Player and Correct Players
Each Incorrect Guess 1 VP for Card Owner
This is a quaint and quite funny game, especially in the right company but this did not really float my boat as this kind of creative on the spot type thing just makes me uncomfortable as I am just not that good at it. Good fun was had by all but this is not one I would leap at playing again given a choice.