We always here about what adventurers do when the are on quests but not their is a game that show what they do when they relax.
The Red Dragon Inn is a fun game of drinking gambling and rampaging Pookey
Four adventurers (Deirdre, Fiona, Gerki & Zot - with Pookey his rabbit familiar) gather around a table to drink and gamble.
The game is base around a personal deck (one for each character) and a drink deck. The object of the game is to stay conscious (either by keeping your fortitude up or you alcohol content down) or avoid losing all you gold and being thrown out.
Using your action cards you can avoid drinks force other to take drinks or lose fortitude, you can also start a round of gambling.
The game is great fun to play and very easy to learn (the rules are only two pages long and easy enough to understand especially once the game has been started).
Red Dragon Inn is geared up to ready for expansions (with a troll and an ork looking likely judging by some of the cards in the drink deck).
A nice game that I enjoyed and perfect as a short game (first game lasted about and hour).
So all in all a great game that is well worth playing a great addition to anyone's game library