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  • B5 Campaign Part IX - 7pm: 13 March 2008

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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 07 March 2008, 00:19:27 »

Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 7:00 PM
Coopers Tavern
Cross Street

Andie L


Yes it's part nine of the Babylon 5 Campaign

And Previously on Babylon 5

Rather a lot happened

The investigation in to Erica's death continued.

The body of Yarid (one of the Mimbari) was found (and had been dead for at least five days), although she has last been seen less than two days ago (just before she went on patrol with Akaal.

A medical scanner was restored in the Comms Room so the survivors could be scanned to discover if they are the species they claim they are.

Video footage was found showing Kiron Larotu (Whitefire) entering Erica's room at the time of the murder.

A scream was heard and Kelvin (Dave S) was found unconscious in one of the labs, the implant taken from the mutated Abbai's head briefly started to pulse and move. This implant was scanned and later destroyed but Khoulani.

Kiron & Ru'Dath (Absolution) in response to the scream formed a makeshift barricade. Knocked out and tied up Cheyoshernn (Vince) then when Lisa Miller came to tell the others about the murder of Ta'lon they took her hostage as well.

The tense situation was talked down by Rachel (Oridyne) and Urk'Him (Tiki Snakes).

Ta'lon was found murdered in the food store a PPG shot to the chest and another one to the head, he also had a local fruit pushed in to his mouth.

When they moved Lisa Miller to be scanned the found a PPG that fell from her pocket (it this the murder weapon? Did she kill Ta'lon?)

This most recent session has seen the tensions rise among the players to the point that Kiron has claim that Urk'Him has attacked his honour.

What will happen next?

What the hell is happening?


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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