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More Dark Heresy Goodness 26/04/2011
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: 26 April 2011
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Topic: More Dark Heresy Goodness 26/04/2011 (Read 4925 times)
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Winchester Delvers
Karma: 1
Posts: 50
More Dark Heresy Goodness 26/04/2011
24 April 2011, 10:21:00 »
In the aftermath of Kreed’s heresy on Scintilla the acolytes are left without purpose. Quinn’s death hangs over the group and Nicodemus looks to make preparations for a funeral. Meanwhile Victus lies agonised in the medicae wing under intensive care and life support systems. Grievous physical wounds from the melta bomb that Quinn courageously used to take down Kreed left Victus with his body utterly disfigured. Skin and bone having melted and fused in the immense heat, his face no longer recognisable, a charred lump of meat with both eyes taken and no mouth to communicate with.
While he lies in the medicae unit, constant agony searing through his melted and fused body another deeper pain cuts him to the very core. Doubt. The mental struggle tormenting him, why? why? why? For the love of the Emperor why did Kreed, one of his most loyal servants, betray Him? The months of physical torment are nothing to the pain he experience’s in his tortured mind. Viktus swears to the Emperor, whilst his body constantly writhes in agony, to steel his mind and faith through this trial, to get to the bottom of Kreed's treachery. What force could have been powerful enough to draw away from His guiding light such a man as Kreed.
With the group left unguided Victus is quickly advanced to the rank of Inquisitor in the hopes of keeping the group functioning, though it seems Victus will not be able to conduct field work for some time. Within hours of his appointment Lord Inquisitor Zerbe orders Victus and the acolytes to begin a full investigation of the matter of Kreed’s heresy. Both Kreed and Quinn’s habs have been sealed off for investigation.
Sign up below good servants of the Emperor.
Last Edit: 24 April 2011, 11:36:53 by Zarniwoop
Karma: 11
Posts: 221
Re: More Dark Heresy Goodness 26/04/2011
Reply #1 on:
24 April 2011, 22:37:35 »
A new face you need? I'm sure I can procure one for you
ha ha haaaaa haa...
Darkness will be there, besides what else am I to do now Kreed is gone?
Winchester Delvers
Karma: 1
Posts: 78
Re: More Dark Heresy Goodness 26/04/2011
Reply #2 on:
24 April 2011, 23:24:11 »
Unfortunately Pliers will not be available for early enquiries he is heavily involved in the design of the upgrade or Victus 2.0 as he calls it.
One Rite of Setesh coming up.
The key words are
skirting the edge
of techno-heresy.
Now don't worry Victus it can only be an improvement.
Winchester Delvers
Karma: 0
Posts: 93
Re: More Dark Heresy Goodness 26/04/2011
Reply #3 on:
26 April 2011, 09:28:37 »
Sturm will be there to bolster the ranks of the walking wounded who continue to serve...
Winchester Delvers
Karma: 0
Posts: 93
Re: More Dark Heresy Goodness 26/04/2011
Reply #4 on:
26 April 2011, 14:30:18 »
Guys, I am sorry to say that I am going to have to miss out on tonights game- I have just been reminded that Jen has a course in London tomorrow, for which she will have to get up around 05:30!!!!
Me staying out late would be cruel.
Hope you have fun and I will see you all next week.
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