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Author Topic: Cargo Noir  (Read 3404 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 06 April 2011, 02:42:20 »

Cargo Noir is a new release from Days of Wonder. As with all of Days of Wonder games the components are first class, colourful boards, beautiful pieces, excellent cards and a well written rulebook.

Each players represent a family of smugglers the aim is to amass the most Victory points (in the form of cards representing various assets - Dive Bars, Yachts, Night Clubs etc). To purchase the VP cards each player must place their ships in a port and bid for the goods available there, if they are successful they get all the goods. To win a bid you must be the only player left bidding in that port at the start of your turn otherwise you either have to increase your bid or withdraw. In order to purchase cards you trade in your goods, upto 9 of the same or upto 9 different, you earn differing amounts depending on which option.

The amount of cargo you can hold is limited at the start but you can buy VP cards that increase your storage, as well as VP cards that increase your fleet and a final one that allows you to gain coins when you withdraw from a bid.

Finally there is the port of Macao where there is a Casino where your ships earn $2 or the port where for each ship placed you can swap a trade good with any located face up or take one at random from the bag.

This is a quick game to learn, we read the rules on the night, and is quick to play whilst providing for a  bit of strategic play. Really fun little game, not deep but a challenge none the less.



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Mild Psychosis

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« Reply #1 on: 15 August 2011, 19:31:15 »

Played this one at the weekend with Zarni and Oskar.
Very easy to pick up and play and quick enough to tempt you into another go.

Bizarrely we had a 3 way tie at the end which is pretty unique!

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