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  • Storming the Hun: 26 March 2011
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Author Topic: Storming the Hun  (Read 5249 times)
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Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« on: 01 March 2011, 18:28:04 »

As a follow up to Beer & Lard day I will be running a small WWI action in which second lieutenant Miles Burton Joyce & his gallant lads attempt to oust the cunning Albrect Reiker & his Stormtrupen from a vital strong point.

I look forward to seeing you



seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #1 on: 26 March 2011, 02:05:10 »

Just to remind you that I will be in Spirit games from opening & would love you to try your hand at Storming the Hun


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #2 on: 01 April 2011, 05:45:46 »

AAR part one

Table was six by four feet & we played lengthways. The terrain which was knocked up quite quickly consisted of a number of corrugated cardboard stepped hills under an army blanket. Most of it counted as normal going but it was dotted with shell holes and areas of broken ground most of which featured large shell holes. the objective was an area of broken ground on a rise with a "h" shaped trench on it and two sandbagged weapons emplacements. there was no wire owing to my not having time to make any of it. This did not detract or affect the game however.

Game started with both sides on blinds & all the blinds on the table the British had one blind per section & the Germans had one per group with two additional dummies.

At the start of the game there was a thick ground mist which limited visibility to twenty four inches but which would lift on the third turn of the blank card.

Steve split his force into two & I thought he had made a horrible mistake when both the Sergeant & Second lieutenant went with the  same  half of the force.

Initial moves where quite quick owing to the mist though Steve in his usual way did keep asking rules questions I had to look up & be a bit rules lawyer-ish, Once we both got the hang of it things & the action hotted up stopped. His main moan was not being able to do all the stuff he wanted to in a turn <LOL>

Eventually the lead section of British hove out of the mist which persisted, the blank card came up in both the first turns and then not for the next about five, on the British right. Tried to spot the German blind on the right and failed to do so despite taking two actions and its corporal helping.

The German blind card came up next & I unblinded the rifle group they had failed to spot, spotted the British section & opened fire, hit three times to no effect, turn ended & the first card to come out was the one for the spotted British section which turned out to be the Lewis gun section it opened up on the rifle squad and promptly killed half of it and shocked the remainder to the point of bottling out. This was a patten which repeated itself through the game, the Germans shot like they had never picked up a weapon before & the British like they where the 1914 BEF of legend. The turn ended at this point.

The next card out was poor Matus who used it to rally the shattered group so they stayed round a little longer but gave up when the following card was the Lewis section's Corporal Branston who used his turn to have his squad continue the obliteration of Matus down to two men & himself they lost their bottle never to recover it (Ran off). Still the next card out was the German Blinds card so I deployed all the German troops in the trench & machine gun nest to shoot only to discover that the pesky lewis gunners where still under the cover of the heavy mist, so the British manoeuvred into position under cover of this mist for the next two turns. Whilst  the Germans sat and waited until it cleared under catastrophically effective blind fire from  Corporal  Dove's Rifle Grenadiers. Then the mist cleared........

To be continued


« Last Edit: 03 April 2011, 16:35:41 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #3 on: 03 April 2011, 11:13:32 »

The mist having cleared the Germans acted quickly to deal with the treat on the left flank (Corporal  Dove's Rifle Grenadiers & Corporal Branston's lewis gunners) & they looked to be in something of a pickle as the Maxim opened up raking the Lewis gunners & the defenders in the trench  poured rifle fire into the Grenadiers all to no effect beyond making some of Corporal Dove's section duck slightly (one shock) The right flank British having moved into position revealed themselves and under the orders of Lieutenant Burton Joyce opened up on the trench with rifles causing much shock & several casualties in Talenheim's rifle group despite the trench's alleged protection. fire from the lewis gunners and rifle grenadiers caused more deaths but fortunately not much shock such that Feldwebel Reiker managed to hold things together in the trench a bit longer.

German return fire such as it was after the casualties was concentrated on the rifle grenadiers since these where easily the most dangerous section of British as their plunging fire & exploding rounds made the trench & machine-gun nest even less of a defence. However the Germans kept up their appalling marksmanship & only caused three casualties and minimal shock where the return fire reduced the maxim crew to two & the unfortunate Nuln & sent them running back to the mainline trench leaving their shrapnel & bullet riddled gun behind in a pile of corpses.

At this point with british fire coming down like lethal rain & only Talenheim's shouting keeping his surviving rifle men form joining them  Feldwebel Reiker ordered the retreat as the British prepared to take their prize.


As this was a Demo game I had intended to lose but this was literally a slaughter with the Germans losing Sixteen of the twenty nine defenders as against the British attackers three of their Forty four. Tactically the British did it by the book, with the only exception being that Steve decided to retain Corporal Rolleston bombers  for use as riflemen and not take advantage of the storm card when it came up as he judged  it unnecessary to enter the Strong point & risk further casualties when the Germans looked on the point of leaving it & allowing him to walk in if he kept up with his current tactics & was patient. I however think Steve had a good time & might even be a bit hooked as I had to witness him Gloating to Phil the following Tuesday when I went in to clear up & badgering me as to what the next scenario is......

Things I did wrong

Rules wise:- I think messed up the sniper card as the team was two strong I feel I should have allowed it to roll two shooting dice not  one per action shooting other than that & a lack of fluency with the rules every thing went ok.

Scenario wise:- I think it would have been a bit more balanced if I had included the fourth group of the German Counter attack platoon which contains two looted lewis guns & the platoons second in command. I should also have put some barbed wire down but there is a limit to the amount of terrain I can construct at any given time & I rationalised that the strong point was relatively recent & the British where attacking before it was complete. The mist also may have been a mistake but I felt the need to explain why the British where conducting the attack in daylight & I had not expected it to linger quite so long after all the blank card came up twice in the first two turns.

« Last Edit: 03 April 2011, 16:38:25 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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